
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 生活英語 > 旅游英語 > 出國(guó)旅游英語300句_常用的英語句子有哪些(5)


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  ㏂✈出國(guó)旅游英語:機(jī)票、航班、登機(jī)、行李、入境 ㏘✔

  ㏂✈出國(guó)旅游英語: 火車、公交車、地鐵、出租車、咨詢、海關(guān)㏘✔

  ㏂✈出國(guó)旅游英語:入住、賓館服務(wù)、退房 、拍照、語言不通、迷路 ㏘✔




  231 我想開個(gè)賬戶。 I’d like to open an account.

  232 這是我的身份證。Here is my ID card.

  233 其他的證件行嗎? Is other identification OK?

  234 你能告訴我怎么辦理嗎?Could you tell me how to do it?

  235 你能告訴我開定期賬戶的程序嗎?Can you tell me the procedure for opening a time deposit account?

  236 開賬戶我必須存多少錢 ? How much do I have to deposit to open an account?

  237 開一個(gè)儲(chǔ)蓄賬戶的最低存款額是多少? What’s the minimum deposit saving account.?

  238 開活期賬戶有服務(wù)費(fèi)嗎?Is there a service charge if I open a checking account?

  239 我想申請(qǐng)一張信用卡。I’d like to apply for a credit card.

  240 我想要存折。I want a bank book.

  241 我現(xiàn)在可以輸密碼了嗎? Can I press my pin number now?

  242 收手續(xù)費(fèi)嗎? Is there a handling charge?


  243 我想存錢。I’d like to make a deposit.

  244 有利息嗎?Is there any interest?

  245 利率是多少?What’s the interest rate?

  246 我需要填寫存款單嗎?Do I need to fill out the deposit slip?

  247 我需要填寫取款單嗎?Do I need to fill out the withdraw slip?

  248 你能告訴我賬戶余額嗎?Could you tell me the account balance?

  249 我想把錢轉(zhuǎn)到儲(chǔ)蓄賬戶上。I’d like to transfer money in my savings account.

  250 我想取200美元。I want to make a withdraw of 200 dollars.

  251 請(qǐng)給我些零錢。Please give me some change.

  252 能給我兌換50塊錢零錢嗎?Can I have change for a fifty?

  253 自動(dòng)取款機(jī)在哪?Where is the automatic teller machine?


  254 我把存折弄丟了。I lost my passbook.

  255 我是來辦理存折掛失的。I’ve come to report the loss of my bankbook.

  256 你們能給我一個(gè)新的銀行卡嗎?Can you give me a new bank card?

  257 我想銷戶。I’d like to close my account.

  258 我想把賬單先還清,然后再把信用卡賬戶消掉。I’d like to pay the bills first,

  and then close this credit card account.

  259 我還欠這個(gè)銀行錢嗎?Do I still owe money in this bank?

  260 我想把這個(gè)賬戶中的錢都取出來。I want to draw all the money in this account.


  261 請(qǐng)給我一張匯款單。 Give me a post order, please?

  262 我想?yún)R1,000美元到北京。I’d like to send a sum of 1,000 dollars to Beijing.

  263 這張表這樣填對(duì)嗎? Is this form filled in properly?

  264 往北京寄400元匯款的手續(xù)費(fèi)是多少? What’s the charge for a 400RMB remittance to Beijing?

  265 這筆錢要多久能匯到上海?How long will it take to get to Shanghai?

  266 轉(zhuǎn)賬要花多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間?How long will it take to transfer the money?

  267 兩個(gè)小時(shí)內(nèi)能到賬嗎?Will it arrive within two hours?

  268 金額是要用文字而不是阿拉伯?dāng)?shù)字寫嗎?Should I write the sum of money in words, not digits?

  269 我在哪簽名? Where do I sign?

  270 我的朋友沒有收到我的匯款。My friend didn’t receive my remittance.

  271 我來問一下匯款到了沒有。I’ve come to inquire about whether the remittance has arrived.

  272 這筆匯款還沒到。The remittance hasn’t arrived yet.

  273 我可以在這兒兌換匯款單嗎?Can I have this money order cashed?


  274 你們這里辦理外匯業(yè)務(wù)嗎? Do you handle foreign exchange here?

  275 我想換些外幣。I’d like to change some foreign currency.

  276 匯率表在哪? Where’s the exchange rate list?

  277 如果我想把人民幣換成加元怎么辦? What should I do if I want to exchange RMB for Canadian dollars?

  278 我想把人民幣換成美元。 I’d like to exchange RMB for US dollars.

  279 我想換1,050元人民幣的歐元。 I’d like to exchange 1,050 RMB for Euros.

  280 當(dāng)前的匯率是多少? What’s the current exchange rate?


  281 你能替我配這個(gè)處方嗎? Can you fill this prescription for me?

  282 非處方藥不需要處方就能買。OTC medicine doesn’t require a prescription.

  283 我拉肚子,有什么藥可以吃嗎?I have diarrhea. Is there a medicine for it?

  284 我想買點(diǎn)止痛藥。I’d like some pain killing drugs.

  285 那種感冒要好一些?Which cold medicine is better?

  286 這些藥片在柜臺(tái)處可以買到嗎?Are these tablets available over the counter?

  287 這是退燒的,這個(gè)可以消炎止痛,對(duì)嗎?This is for reducing the fever, and this will relieve the pain and subdue the inflammation, right?

  288 您能告訴我這要怎么服用嗎?Could you tell me how to use this medicine?

  289 這要每天吃幾次?How many times a day should I take this medicine?

  290 這要有副作用嗎?Does this drug have any side effects?


  291 我的腿受傷了。I have injured my leg.

  292 我的左腳踝腫了。My left ankle is swollen.

  293 我的腳踝扭傷了。My ankle is twisted.

  294 我在樓梯上摔了一跤,受傷了。I fell on stair and hurt myself.

  295 我的手腕骨折了。I broke my wrist.

  296 關(guān)窗戶時(shí),我把手指夾傷了。The window pinched my finger as it shut.

  297 我的腿要打多長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的石膏?How long will I have my leg in the cast?

  298 我的手指被鋒利的刀刺傷了。My finger was pricked by a sharp knife.

  299 我的手杯開水燙傷了。My hand was scalded with boiling water.

  300 我做這個(gè)動(dòng)作時(shí),這兒就痛。It hurts when I do this.






