1.Look who is here 看誰來了。
2.My better half 我的賢內(nèi)助。
3.I'm always taking without giving 我總是在占你的便宜。 I'm trying to make ends meet 我設法量入為出。 (收支平衡) I don't deserve your friendship 我不夠資格做你的朋友。 I'm busy on another line 我正在接另一個電話。
4.Just as I thought 果然不出我所料。
5.Did I say something wrong? 我說錯了什么?
6.I always like happy endings 我總希望好聚好散。
7.He's a phoney 他是個冒牌貨。
8.Why is everybody picking on me? 為什么每個人都找我的麻煩? He is a hen-pecked husband 他怕太太。
9.I'll be waiting for you 我會等候你的。
10.I didn't mean to hurt you 我不是有意傷害你的。
11.I suggest you take cover 我建議你還是躲一下吧。
12.I want you to mean it 我要你說出真心話。
13.I have nothing to worry about 我沒有什么好掛慮的。
14.I want to have a word with you 我有話給你說。
15.Don't be out late 不要太晚回來。
16.How have you been? 你近來都好嗎?
17.Long time no see 好久不見。
18.You don't waste any time 你別浪費時間了。
19.She is warm and lovely 她熱情可愛。
20.Why do you play hooky? 你為何要逃課?
21.Can we charge it? 我們可以賒賬嗎?
22.get a kick out of doing something從……得到很大的樂趣
23.He gets a kick put of racing1
24.take kindly2 to something/someone愿意接受
25.Don't you feel that people in the lab don't take kindly to a nosy3 reporter?
26.kill someone with kindness好得讓人受不了
27.The old lady almost killed me with kindness when I lived at her home
28.parade one's knowledge買弄學問
29.He is a well-learned man, bit he never parades his knowledge
30.be at large逍遙法外(也可以形容動物不受約束)
31.The murderer was still at large The victim's parents was determined4 to find enough evidence to sue him to court
32.rest on one's laurels5故步自封,吃老本
33.You are sure to be lagged behind if you rest on your laurels
34.turn over a new leaf洗心革面
35.The juvenile6 delinquent7 promised that he would turn over a new leaf if he could be given lenient8 punishment
36.have a hollow leg(喝酒)海量
37.The best man has a hollow leg He drinks a lot instead of the bridegroom
38.pull someone's leg開某人的玩笑
39.Never ever pull his leg He is a man without a sense of humor He takes everything seriously
40.keep someone at arm's length與某人保持距離
1.The answer is zero. 白費心機。
2.I owe you a faror. 我欠你的人情。
3.Take your hands off me! 別碰我!
4.I have my hands full right now. 我現(xiàn)在很忙。
5.Headliner. 新聞人物。
6.Heavy date 重要約會
7.Hello girl=telephone operator. 接線生。
8.Hen party 女人的聚會
9.Hen pecked 怕老婆的
10.Highbrow 自命不凡的
11.Highlight. 重點。
12.Hold up your end. 做你自己份內(nèi)的工作。
13.Horse opera. 西部武打片。
14.Hot news. 重要消息。
15.Hot air. 夸張。
16.Hot head. 動肝火。
17.Hot potato. 困難問題。
18.I can't stand if any longer. 我不能再忍受。
19.I'll buy that. 我同意。
20.I'll go along with that. 我同意。
21.I'll go for that. 我愿意。
22.I'll take care of you later. 等會我來揍你。
23.Itching for a fight. 找人打架。
24.It's beyond me. 我不明白。
25.It's your baby=It's all yours. 你的事,你來辦。
26.Jack of all trades. 多才多藝者。
27.He is a punk. 他是個地痞流氓。
28.Push too far. 欺人太甚。
29.Pull over. 靠邊停下來。
30.She is a nut. 她是個十三點。
31.I'm crazy about her. 我很愛她。
32.Stay out of my way. 別擋我的路。
33.What can I do for you? 我能為你效勞嗎?
34.Take my word for it. 你要相信我的話。
35.He is a wolf. 他是個色狼。
36.Puffed-up. 自命不凡。 (目空一切的)
37.Play hooky. 逃學。
38.Don't play games with me. 別跟我耍花樣。
39.Pin-up-girl. 漂亮的女人。 (海報女郎)
40.You are really picky. 你真挑剔。
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