


時間: 焯杰674 分享



  A man dirning with a friend explained the peculiarities of the restaurant they were in:"The waiters never admit they don't have something. They'll take your order. for a slice of sun and too away as if they mean to get it...then they'll come back and say they just ran out.”


  To prove his point,he said to the waiter,“The dinosaur,please.”


  “Yes,sir,“answered the waiter.”And how would you like it cooked?"


  "Well done!"


  The waiter left and returned quickly.“I'm sorry, sir,but we've just run out of a dinosaur.”


  " What?" said the diner with feigned disappointment."No dinosaur?"


  The waiter lowered his voice. "Well,we do have some left,“he whispered confidentially,"...but it's not very fresh and I won't serve it!”


  There was once a large,fat woman who had a small,thin husband. He had a job in a big company and was given his weekly wages every Friday evening. As soon as he got home on Fridays,his wife used to make hirn give her all his money,and then she used to give him back only enough to buy his lunch in the office every day.


  One day the small man came home very excited. He hurried into the living-room. His wife was listening to the radio and eating chocolates.”You'll never guess what happened to me today,dear,"he said. He waited for a few seconds and then added:“I won ten thousand pounds on the lottery!”


  "That's wonderful!"said his wife delightedly. But then she thought for a few seconds and added angrily,"But wait a moment! How could you afford to buy the ticket?".



  A 747 was halfway across the Atlantic when the captain got on the loud speaker:"Attention,passengers. We have lost one of our engines,but we can certainly reach London with the three we have left. Unfortunately, we will arrive an hour late as a result. "


  Shortly thereafter,the passengers heard the captain's voice again:"Guess what,folks. We just lost our third engine,but please be assured we can fly with only one. We will now arrive in London three hours late. "


  At this point,one passenger became furious. "For Pete's sake,"he shouted,"If we lose another engine,we'll be up here all night !"
