


時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享



  Reduce Sea Pollution

  Sea pollution is becoming an increasing problem for our planet and we have a responsibility to reduce sea pollution.

  I need to describe the problem. Our ship currently dumps all its rubbish into the sea.It's easy to result in huge endanger. First of all, Non-organic substances such as plastic bags kill fish and whales. Because fish get trapped and whales cannot digest them. Secondly some rubbish is inherently toxic.

  I can suggest some solutions. First and foremost we can create a better system of disposing of rubbish for instance. We ought to store rubbish. Next, we are supposed to make ships environmentally and friendly. A case in point is that we should stop providing plastic bags.

  We must act now before it is too late!


  Sea pollution

  Between 75 and 80% of marine pollution is caused by land, particularly agriculture. 30% of this is from the atmosphere. Around 12% of the pollution is caused by maritime transport.

  In South America, 98% of domestic wastewater ends up, untreated, in the sea. The countries along the Mediterranean Sea throw 50 million tons of waste into it every year and the Chinese throw 60 million tons of waste into the Yellow sea daily. Over half of the hydrocarbon discharge comes from continents, 5% comes from oil tanker accidents, 20% comes from waste and other ship-related accidents, 4% from sea exploitation and 11 to 15% is due to natural causes. Accidental pollution through hydrocarbon is significantly decreasing and only represents a small percentage of waste through degassing estimated at between 1.5 and 3 million tons of oil a year. In 2003, according to the WWF, between 0.7 and 1.3 million tons of oil were spread by degassing in the Mediterranean. According to the Ifremer (the French Institute for Exploitation of the Sea), coastal water pollution cost the world economy almost 12.8 billion dollars in 2006.

  Marine pollution is the result of products being thrown into seas and oceans, mostly by mnkind: domestic waste (sewage and rubbish, pollutants in runoff water...), industrial waste (hydrocarbons, metals, synthetic chemical and organic substances, radionuclides...) and agricultural waste (fertilisers, pesticides...).

  This includes water pollution and marine sediments, and more generally all damage to marine ecosystems caused by harmful substances being discharged into the sea, either by their nature or their quantity.


  Polluting the seas

  The seas and oceans receive the brunt of human waste, whether it is by deliberate dumping or by natural run-off from the land.

  In fact over 80% of all marine pollution comes from land-based activities and many pollutants are deposited in estuaries and coastal waters. Here the pollutants enter marine food chains, building up their concentrations until they reach toxic levels. It often takes human casualties to alert us to pollution and such was the case in Minimata Bay in Japan when many people died as a result of a pollutant building up in food chains. A factory was discharging waste containing methyl mercury in low concentrations into the sea and as this pollutant passed through food chains it became more concentrated in the tissues of marine organisms until it reached toxic levels.

  As a consequence 649 people died from eating fish and shellfish contaminated with mercury and 3500 people suffered from mercury poisoning.








海洋是全球生命支持系統(tǒng)的一個(gè)重要組成部分。海洋環(huán)境信息系統(tǒng)是進(jìn)行海洋環(huán)境管理的有力工具。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編整理的關(guān)于海洋的英語短文,歡迎閱讀! 關(guān)于海洋的英語短文篇一 Reduce Sea Pollution Sea pollution is becoming an increa