By 2020, there will be about 38 million to 40 million too few college and university graduates tosatisfy the demands of the global labor market, a report issued this month has found.
At the same time, there will be a surplus of up to 95 million low-skill workers globally, accordingto the study, conducted by the McKinsey Global Institute.
The report bases its estimates on the projection of a global work force of 3.5 billion by theyear 2020, compared with 2.9 billion today.
"Unemployment for less skilled workers is currently running two to three times that of thoseskilled workers with university or post-graduate degrees," said Richard Dobbs, one of theauthors of the report.
China will have to increase its educated work force in order to fulfill its need for 23 million high-skill workers by 2020, the report said.
Despite the old stereotype about arts majors, Americans and Canadians with arts degrees areby and large employed and happy with their work, according to a new report released last weekby the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project at Indiana University.
The report, titled "A Diverse Palette," considered degrees in performance, design, architecture,creative writing, music composition, choreography, film, illustration and fine art. It foundthat 87 percent of arts alumni who are working are content with their jobs, whether or not theywork as artists, and that 82 percent of respondents felt they brought creativity to their jobs.
The specific discipline played an important role in employability, the study suggested. Forexample, 82 percent of those with a dance degree said they had worked or were working as anartist. That was only true of 30 percent with art history degrees. Many arts graduates becameinvolved in education: 57 percent of arts graduates have taught at some point in their career,and 27 percent are doing so currently, the report found.
raduates’ Pressure in Finding Jobs
Nowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate toemployment. They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. What is the cause ofthis phenomenon
In my opinion, there are four causes:
First, graduates lack experience. They spend most of their time at school studying academicsubjects and lack relevant job training. Only after graduation do they realize it’s hard to findjobs.
Second, competition among graduates grows more bitter and more bitter and bitter. Thesupply of university graduates exceeds social demand. This results in a decreased chance forany individual graduate to find a job.
Third, some students don’t study hard. Some of them skip classes just because they have nointerest in certain subjects. Some play computer games or pursue other interests. Some sleepin class or in the library. Then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus,to discover they don’t have adequate knowledge to apply for many positions, which makesthem feel lost and frustrated.
Finally, some graduates are conceited. They lack experience but ask for a high salary, which isimpractical.
So, university students should try their best to change this situation. When they are in school,they should make the most of their time and put their heart into their studies. They can holdpart-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant work experience. They should takepart in some social activities and provide themselves with special training, if possible. Whenthey graduate and apply for jobs, they should attach more importance to accumulatingexperience than to their starting salary.
On University Students’ Pressure in Finding Jobs
About a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after theirgraduation. But now, things are different. Today's university students usually have muchpressure in finding fairly good jobs. They always say disappointedly that graduation meansjoblessness. Why nowadays university students have so much pressure in finding jobs?
In my opinion, this kind of pressure is mainly caused by three reasons.
Firstly, the government is enrolling more and more university students year by year. And thegrowth of the students' number has surpassed that of the need of the society. So, when somany students graduate at a time, the chance of finding jobs becomes tiny.
Secondly, today's university students, most of them are the "only-child", who are more mentallyfrail. Since they are indulged greatly at home and haven't been trained to do things on theirown, once it is their turn to go out of the campus and find jobs by themselves and decide whatkind of jobs to choose, they feel bewildered and don't know what to do. If their first try fails,they will be frustrated and think that it is really hard to find jobs.
Thirdly, some university students are not qualified for good and challenging jobs. Afterentering the university, they don't study as hard as they did in high schools. They begin tosleep during the class or even be absent for classes. Some are addicted to computer games orJin Yong's novels, or step into the two-person-world too early. Because these things havetaken up so much of their time and energy, their study is neglected. After four years ofuniversity life, they haven't gained the knowledge those fairly good jobs or certain positionsrequire.
再次,有些學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)不努力。他們只是因?yàn)閷δ承┛颇坎桓信d趣,就曠課不上。有的玩計(jì)算機(jī)游戲,或者別的有意思的事情,還有的在上課時(shí)或在圖 書館睡覺。 然而,當(dāng)他們離開這個(gè)與外界隔絕的大學(xué)校園環(huán)境之后,他們才發(fā)現(xiàn)他們沒有足夠的知識來申請?jiān)S多職位,因此他們感到非常的失落與沮喪。
大約在十年前,大學(xué)生畢業(yè)后就可以找到令自己滿意和令別人羨慕的工作。然而,時(shí)至當(dāng)今,情況發(fā)生的翻天覆地的變化。如果想找到一份不錯(cuò)的工作,今天的大學(xué)畢業(yè)生卻要常常面對著極大的就業(yè)壓力。因此,他 們總是很失望地說畢業(yè)意味著失業(yè)。為什么現(xiàn)在的大學(xué)生有如此大的就業(yè)壓力呢?
raduation season is in full swing. Amid the laughter and tears, goodbyes and nostalgia,another group of graduates will walk off their cozy campuses and into a new chapter of life. Howbest to celebrate this special moment? Check out this list of activities you've got to try beforedonning your cap and gown. Live it up, as you may never get a second chance to be crazy andstupid again!
Shout out your love
Still hesitant about expressing your love? Well, it's time to shout it out. Otherwise, you mightnever have the chance, especially if your crush moves away after graduation. Even if you arerejected, it can still be an unforgettable memory. Students have been known to makegrandiose displays of affection, but this can bring unwanted attention to the person youhave your eye on. So avoid making things too uncomfortable. Consider confessing yourfeelings over a farewell dinner, during graduation trip or at your graduation ceremony. Youcan even just walk around your school together with your crush and when the time is right, letit out.
Take a graduation trip
Dearest graduates, give yourself a pat on the back and treat yourself with a getaway! Youdeserve it. To make lasting memories, remember to record your trip in every way you can. Youcan take photos and make a photo album, shoot a video, or share your adventures on socialmedia. Play a game like Truth or Dare to pour out your feelings and clear up misunderstandingswith your classmates. When choosing your destinations, consider most people's wishes.Whether you're revisiting places where you have precious memories or exploring newdestinations, it's worth a try.
Wander at night
Before you graduate, say goodbye to your classmates, to your teachers, and to the campusand city you live in, especially if you plan to move away. Trekking around on a hot summer dayis not for the faint of heart. When the streetlights flicker on and the city goes quiet, grab a fewbeers and visit some of your favorite places with your friends. Or, you can explore new cornerson campus or around the city. A trip down memory lane always ignites heartfelt conversationsabout days gone by and what waits in the future. Tears are optional, but remember to bringsome tissue just in case you get overwhelmed.
Make a prediction
The future is unpredictable. But after building up a solid circle of friends for four years, youmay have a few hunches about where your classmates will end up. You can do things creatively.To start, list a series of funny questions, like “who will marry first in the future” or “who willbecome a star”, in a questionnaire. Then have everyone in the class vote on each question.But don't reveal the result all at once. As long as the prediction is realized, you can throw areunion party and reveal the results together. The cliffhanger will connect you and yourclassmates even after you graduate.