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  Finished Activities

  Core Sentences

  1. Have you ever been to Britain?

  2. I have been to London twice.

  3. Tim has discussed his paper with his supervisor.

  4. He has been watch TV for two hours.

  5. Have you send postcard to your uncle. I told Maggy to send it for me.

  6. Havn't I told you the address to the letter might be wrong?

  7. I should have checked.

  8. You might have her were dismissed.

  9. You must have got the news that postage is going to be raised.

  10. Peter had thought a lot about quiting before he did it.

  11. He had become a Olympic champion by the age of twenty.

  12. Beijing sucessfuly won the for the 2008 Olympic games.

  13. It has tried eight years before, but failure.

  14. Have sucessfully concluded their project, Melissa is spending her holiday in Singapore.

  Dialog Exercises

  Number One, Dismiss an Employee

  A. I havn't seen Tade for a week. What's wrong with him?

  B. Havn't you heard he quited his job.

  A. No, how is that?

  B. He quited his job last week. And he had thought a lot about it before has resignation.

  A. He has been working here for thirty years.

  B. But the boss has been finding faults with him ever since he lost our biggest customer.

  A. I thought the boss hitting just because he was late for five minutes.

  B. It might be a blessing he has landed a better job with a big company.

  A. That's a relief. Tade is such a nice guy and he has been so nice to us.

  Number Two, Take a vocation to the sea shore.

  A. Joe, long time no see. How is going?

  B. Terrific. I have just been back from the Miami beach.

  A. I have notice you look .

  B. Thanks, the place is just . Beautiful things, pleasant weather, friend people, I have heard a lot of about it. I'll surely go there someday. I bet you won't be sorry for that. What about you?

  A. Owe, just as usual. I have been tide up with project for so long.

  B. I thought you've finished it.

  A. None, the board always changes the plan at the last minute.

  B. I would be crasy.

  A. I am. Oh, Joe, I have got to go now. I have a meeting half an hour. Give my regards to Sally and the kids.

  B. Bye, I'll call you later.



  Core Sentences

  1. My elder sister is married, but she doesn't want start a family yet.

  2. She gets on well with her mother in law.

  3. They had a baby last year.

  4. Tomorrow will be our fifth wedding anniversay.

  5. My aunt is expecting a baby now.

  6. My younger brother is in .

  7. Her fiance is Davide, a business man.

  8. John is still at the university, he is single.

  9. Aunt Lucy has been alone since her husband passed away last year.

  10. Uncle Michale married twice. He has two stepsons.

  11. He got divorced from her last year, married her this year.

  12. Daniel has another woman on the side,but his wife is totally unaware.

  13. Some young people in the west fear marriage, and would rather cohabitated.

  14. Do you have any here in the states?

  15. I still keeping in touch with my cousins in Britain.

  Dialog Exercises

  Number one, Marriage Proposal

  As the French and SAS. Michelle, long time were wrote. Marriage can be compared to a cage. the birds outside despire to get in, and those were thing despire to get out. See the pair of birds.

  A. Lily, see we have known each other for three years.

  B. Yeah, how time flys.

  A. Where, have you ever thought of ending this kind of relationship?

  B. What you mean? You have someone on the side?

  A. I mean marry me.

  B. I love you, but I don't want a kid. I don't feel like taking care of kids.

  A. My mother will.

  B. I cannot get on well with your mother. I don't want to live with her.

  A. Do girl have the bargain of everything?

  Number two, Aunt Caroline

  A. I've got a letter from Aunt Caroline. You remember her, don't you, Davide? We stayed in her house in Florida during our honeymoon.

  B. Yes, I remember. She just divorced them. She remarried a doctor later, didn't she.

  A. That's right. She married twice, and has children from each marriage.

  B. Uncle Phill, the doctor was married before, too. He has four children from his first marriage. He and aunt Caroline have three.

  A. Then they are all your cousins.

  B. I call them all cousins, all of aunt Caroline's children are my second cousins.But uncle Phill's children from his first marriage are not relatives of mine.

  A. What are they to each other?

  B. Let's see. Aunt Caroline's children from her first marriage are uncle Pill's stepchildren. Aunt Caroline is his children's stepmother. The children are stepbrothers and stepsisters.

  A. I've never understood that. I thought they were half brothers and half sisters.

  B. No, half brothers and half sisters have the same mother or fathor. Aunt Caroline and uncle Pill's children are half brothers and half sisters to the other children.

  A. It's very confusion.

  B. Anyway, aunt Caroline says in her letter that they will all come to visit us next Saturday.

  A. What, I never know who is who.


  Asking for directions

  Core Sentences

  1. Excuse me, is there a cafe nearby?

  2. Could you tell me the way to the Tian an men Square?

  3. Just go straight ahead,and turn left at the first crossing. You can't miss it.

  4. Can I go by bus?

  5. You can take the subway to get there.

  6. It's on my way. I'll walk you there.

  7. Sorry, I'm new here, too.

  8. What's your address?

  9. Go this way, follow the road back for about five hundreds meters.

  10. The museum is oppsite the great hall of people.

  11. The park is just on the left side of this street.

  12. The plaza is located in the downtown area.

  13. How far is it from Benjing hotel to the Paris museum?

  14. It takes five minutes to get there by taxi.

  Dialog Exercises

  Number one, Getting directions to a thailand restaurant

  A. Excuse me?

  B. Sure, May I help you?

  A. I want to go the nearest Thailand restaurant. Will you tell me how I can get there?

  B. Sure, Let me see. There are several Thai restaurants around here. It is only five minutes walk. But I do suggest that you go to the best one, called Gold Sun.

  A. Gold Sun, that sounds nice. Where is it?

  B. Remember the supemp3arket you are at yesterday. It's just oppsite the supemp3arket.

  A. I took taxi there yesterday. It's near.

  B. You can walk actually. It is no distance at all.

  A. Good idea. Perhaps I can enjoy the theme. Is there a sign there?

  B. Sure, there is a big sign saying Gold Sun.

  A. I'm sure I can find it. Thank you.

  B. You're welcome.

  Number two, the water bridge.

  A. Where is the station?

  B. It's near, but which way shall we take?

  A. Look, there is a policeman. Let's ask him the way.

  B. All right. Excuse me, Sir? Can you tell us the way to water station?

  C. Yes, walk down this road, take the first turning on the left. Then walk until you come to the river and..

  A. The river?

  C. Yes, when you come through it. There is the sign Water bridge. Just walk to across it. Follow the sign it says to water station. You can't miss it.

  A. And is it very far? I mean how long take to walk there?

  C. a.. about fifteen minutes if you walk quickly.

  A. Can we get there by bus?

  C. No, there is no through bus there, I'm afraid.

  A. Thanks, anyways. will take the taxi.