Most Hollywood movies are about romantic love, orat least sex. But Christopher Nolan’s epic movie“Interstellar” has almost no couples, so you don’tget the charged romance you have in normal movieswhere a man and a woman are off saving the world.
大多數(shù)好萊塢電影講的都是愛情,至少是性。然而克里斯托弗·諾蘭(Christopher Nolan)的史詩電影《星際穿越》(Interstellar)卻幾乎沒有情侶,所以觀眾不會感受到普通的電影里那種感情充沛的浪漫氛圍,也沒有普通電影里一對男女勇往直前拯救世界的情節(jié)。
Instead, there are the slightly different kinds of love,from generation to generation, and across time and space.
The movie starts on a farm, and you see a grandfather’s love for his grandkids and thechildren’s love for their father. (Mom had died sometime earlier).
The planet is hit by an environmental catastrophe, and, in that crisis, lives are torn apart. Thefather, played by Matthew McConaughey, goes off into space to find a replacement planetwhere humanity might survive. The movie is propelled by the angry love of his abandoneddaughter, who loves and rages at him for leaving, decade after decade.
地球遭受了環(huán)境災(zāi)難,而在這場危機中,人們的生活都被撕裂了。馬修·麥康納(Matthew McConaughey)飾演的父親飛向太空,試圖尋找一個替代行星,來讓人類存活下去。被他丟下的女兒心中憤怒的愛推動了劇情的發(fā)展,十年又十年,她愛著父親,又因為父親的離去而怒不可遏。
On top of that, there is an even more attenuated love. It’s the love humans have for theirancestors and the love they have for the unborn. In the movie, 12 apostles go out alone intospace to look for habitable planets. They are sacrificing their lives so that canisters of frozenembryos can be born again in some place far away.
Nolan wants us to see the magnetic force of these attachments: The way attachments canexert a gravitational pull on people who are separated by vast distances or even by death.Their attention is riveted by the beloved. They hunger for reunion.
When the McConaughey character goes into space he leaves behind the rules of everydayearthly life and enters the realm of quantum mechanics and relativity. Gravity becomesvariable. It’s different on different planets. Space bends in on itself. The astronauts fly througha wormhole, a fold in the universe connecting one piece of space with another distant piece.
Most important, time changes speed. McConaughey is off to places where time is moving muchmore slowly than it is on Earth, so he ends up younger than his daughter. Once in the place ofan ancestor, he becomes, effectively, her descendant.
These plotlines are generally based on real science. The physicist Kip Thorne has a book out, “The Science of Interstellar,” explaining it all. But what matters in the movie is the way scienceand emotion (and a really loud score) mingle to create a powerful mystical atmosphere.
這些情節(jié)大體上基于真實的科學原理。物理學家基普·索恩(Kip Thorne)出版了一本書《星際穿越背后的科學》(The Science of Interstellar),解釋了所有科學原理。然而這部電影中最重要的特點是,科學與情感(以及響亮的背景音樂)怎樣融合在一起,創(chuàng)造出了強有力的神秘氛圍。
Nolan introduces the concept of quantum entanglement. That’s when two particles that haveinteracted with each other behave as one even though they might be far apart. He then showshow people in love display some of those same features. They react in the same way at thesame time to the same things.
The characters in the movie are frequently experiencing cross-cutting and mystical connectionsthat transcend time and space. It’s like the kind of transcendent sensation you or I mighthave if we visited an old battlefield and felt connected by mystic chords of memory to the peoplewho fought there long ago; or if we visited the house we grew up in and felt in deep communionwith people who are now dead.
Bloggers have noticed the religious symbols in the movie. There are those 12 apostles, andthere’s a Noah’s ark. There is a fallen angel named Dr. Mann who turns satanic in an inverseGarden of Eden. The space project is named Lazarus. The heroine saves the world at age 33.There’s an infinitely greater and incorporeal intelligence offering merciful salvation.
博客作者們注意到了電影中的宗教符號。片中有12門徒,有諾亞方舟。還有一個名為曼恩博士(Dr. Mann)的隕落天使,在與伊甸園截然相反的環(huán)境里變得猶如魔鬼一般。太空計劃名為拉撒路(Lazarus),女主角拯救世界時年齡是33歲。在電影中,存在著一種無限宏大而又無形的智慧,給人以仁慈的救贖。
But this isn’t an explicitly religious movie. “Interstellar” is important because amid all theculture wars between science and faith and science and the humanities, the movie illustrates thereal symbiosis between these realms.
More, it shows how modern science is influencing culture. People have always bent theirworldviews around the latest scientific advances. After Newton, philosophers conceived aclockwork universe. Individuals were seen as cogs in a big machine and could be slotted intovast bureaucratic systems.
But in the era of quantum entanglement and relativity, everything looks emergent andinterconnected. Life looks less like a machine and more like endlessly complex patterns ofwaves and particles. Vast social engineering projects look less promising, because of thecomplexity, but webs of loving and meaningful relationships can do amazing good.
As the poet Christian Wiman wrote in his masterpiece, “My Bright Abyss,” “If quantumentanglement is true, if related particles react in similar or opposite ways even whenseparated by tremendous distances, then it is obvious that the whole world is alive andcommunicating in ways we do not fully understand. And we are part of that life, part of thatcommunication. ...”
就像詩人克里斯蒂安·威曼(Christian Wiman)在他的著作《我明亮的深淵》(My Bright Abyss)中所寫,“如果量子糾纏是真實的,如果相關(guān)的粒子即使相距甚遠,也能以相似或相反的方式互動,那么整個世界顯然就是有生命的,在以我們并不能完全理解的方式溝通。我們是這種生命的一部分,是這種溝通的一部分。”
I suspect “Interstellar” will leave many people with a radical openness to strange truth justbelow and above the realm of the everyday. That makes it something of a cultural event.
True love is magical. True love is mystical?Right? Well, kind of. But it’s more than that, as anyone in a relationship can tell you. Read on to find ten things you need to know about true love.
1. True love is not about finding yourself in another
Don’t fall in love, or think you’re in love, just because you want to find yourself. Your identity is not to be someone’s other half?it’s to be yourself! Don’t get so swept up in your partner that you become them. You don’t need to be the number one fan of their favorite band or read all the books they read. Keep your interests and hobbies and you’ll be more interesting to, and interested in, your partner.
2. Self love is the best way to find true love
It sounds like a cliche, something your mom and girlfriends told you every time you were crying over a broken heart, but it’s true?you must love yourself before you can love anyone else. Be comfortable with yourself, even when you’re having a bad day. Know who you really are, deep down inside, and know what you want to do with your life. Being in love with yourself and having your life on track are not only incredibly self-satisfying, they’re really attractive qualities to a partner.
3. True love is not demanding
Your partner should never ask you to change if you’re truly loved. And if you truly love your partner, you shouldn’t expect him to change. You got into a relationship because you liked each other, and you grew to love each other as you are. Why would you need to change someone you love so deeply? Accept them as they are, and you’ll get that consideration in return.
4. True love allows you to be yourself
Being yourself in front of your partner can seem scary at first. Waking up without any makeup on, and your hair a mess? What about him seeing you when you’re sick?runny nose, bloodshot eyes and all. It’s something you want to avoid as long as you can. But you shouldn’t feel that way. When you’re in love, even the worst illness is a beautiful experience because it’s worth it. Your partner helping you through a messy episode or kissing you with morning breath is a major step towards your future, and it shows how much he truly loves you.