所謂讀書破萬卷,下筆如有神 。一定的閱讀功底會(huì)對(duì)作文產(chǎn)生潛移默化的效果。特別是非母語的英語,大量的閱讀積累是寫作的基礎(chǔ)和前提。英語美文就為大家提供了很好的素材。下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編帶來的每天閱讀一篇英語美文,歡迎閱讀!
The method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent, consists of six definite, practical steps, these:
First: fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire. It is not sufficient merely to say "I want plenty of money." Be definite as to the amount. (There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter.)
Second: determine exactly what you intend to give in return for the money you desire. (There is no such reality as "something for nothing.")
Third: establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.
Forth: create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you are read or not, to put this plan into action.
Fifth: write out a clear, concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire, name the time limit for its acquisition, state what you intend to give in return for the money, and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.
Sixth: read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before retiring at night, and once after arising in the morning. As you read--see and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money.
It is important that you follow the instructions described in these six steps. It is especially important that you observe, and follow the instructions in the sixth paragraph. You may complain that it is impossible for you to "see yourself in possession of money" before you actually have it. Here is where a burning desire will come to you aid. If you truly desire money so keenly that your desire is an obsession, you will have no difficulty in convincing yourself that you will acquire it. The object is to want money, and to become so determined to have it that you convince yourself you will have it.
第五:簡(jiǎn)單明了地寫下你想獲得的金錢數(shù)目,及獲得這筆 錢的時(shí)限。說明你打算憑什么去取得這筆錢,并詳加描述你累 聚這筆錢的計(jì)劃。
遵行這六大步驟的指示是非常重要的。你有必要切實(shí)遵照這六個(gè)段落的指示,并奉行不渝。你可能會(huì)嘀咕,你又沒有真正擁有這筆錢,要“目睹自己實(shí)際擁有這筆錢,” 似乎不太可能。這就該是沸騰的渴望派上用場(chǎng)的時(shí)刻了。如果你真的熱切 渴望要有錢,你的渴望會(huì)變成魂?duì)繅?mèng)縈的迫切企求,要讓自己 有如置身其境也就易如反掌了。你的目標(biāo)就是想要有錢,并且要堅(jiān)定不移,堅(jiān)定到你相信自己會(huì)擁有這筆錢的地步。
Scent of a Woman
(S = Lt. Colonel Frank Slade; T = Mr Trask, the headmaster of Baird School)
S: This is such a crock of shit.
T: Please watch your language, Mr. Slade, you are in the Baird school, not a barracks. Mr. Simms, I will give you one final opportunity to speak up.
S: Mr. Simms doesn’t want it. He doesn't need to be labeled, “still worthy of being a Baird man.” What the hell is that? What is your motto here? “Boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide, anything short of that we’re going to burn you at the stake’? Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fan, some guys run and some guys stay. Here’s Charlie, facing the fire, and there’s George, hiding in big daddy’s pocket. And what are you doing? You’re going to reward George and destroy Charlie.
T: Are you finished Mr. Slade?
S: No, I’m just getting warmed up. I don’t know who went to this place. William Howard Taft, William Jennings Bride, William Tell, whoever. Their spirit is dead, if they ever had one, it’s gone. You are building a rat ship here. A vessel for seagoing snitches. And if you think you’re preparing these minnows for manhood, you better think again. Because I say you are killing the very spirit this institution proclaims it instills. What a sham. What kind of a show are you putting on here today? I mean, the only class in this act is sitting next to me, and I’m here to tell you that this boy’s soul is intact. It’s non-negotiable, and you know how I know? Someone here, and I’m not going to say who, offered to buy. Only Charlie here wasn’t selling.
T: Sir, you’re out of order.
S: I’ll show you out of order! You don’t know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. I’d show you but I’m too old, I’m too tired, I’m too fucking blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I’d take a flame thrower to this place! Out of order, who the hell you think you’re talking to? I’ve been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But that is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you’re merely sending this splendid, foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs? But I say you are executing his soul. And why? Because he’s not a Baird man. Baird men. You hurt this boy, you’re gonna be Baird bums, the lot of you. And Harry, Jimmy, Trent wherever you are out there, fuck you too.
T: Stand down, Mr. Slade.
S: I’m not finished. As I came in here, I heard those words, ‘cradle of leadership’. Well when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and it has fallen here, it has fallen! Makers of men, creators of leaders, be careful what kind of leaders you’re producing here. I don’t know if Charlie’s silence here today is right or wrong, I’m not a judge or jury, but I can tell you this, he won’t sell anybody out to buy his future. And that, my friends, is called integrity. That’s called courage. Now that’s the stuff leaders should be made of.
不,我不原諒你這場(chǎng)聽證會(huì)簡(jiǎn)直胡鬧!!(This is such a crock of shit ! )
-“請(qǐng)小心措詞,你身在博德,不是軍營(yíng)。西門先生,我給你最后機(jī)會(huì)”(Please watch your language,Mr. Slade.You are in the Baird school,not a barracks. Mr. Simms, I will give you one final opportunity to speak up. )
(Mr.Simms doesn't want it. He doesn't need to be labeled..."still worthy of being a Baird man." What the hell is that ? What is your motto here ? "Boys, inform on your classmates, save your hide; anything short of that, we're gonna burn you at the stake" ?Well, entlemen,when the shit hits the fan,some guys run... and some guys stay. Here's Charlie facin' the fire,and there's George...hidin' in big daddy's pocket. And what are you doin' ? You're gonna reward George... and destroy Charlie. )
-“你講完了,史先生?”(-Are you finished, Mr. Slade ? )
- 不,剛暖好身而已!我不知道誰念過博德?塔夫,伯恩,鐵爾……等等等,他們精神已死,根本沒有,總歸是零,你在這培育的是老鼠大隊(duì),一堆賣友求榮客,如果 你以為在鍛煉蝦兵成龍頭,最好三思,因?yàn)槟阏髿⒘诉@所學(xué)府所堅(jiān)持的精神,真是恥辱!你們今天給我看的是什么秀?唯一有格調(diào)的坐在我旁邊!!我可以告訴 你,這孩子的靈魂沒有被污染,毋庸?fàn)庌q的,為什么我知道?有人,我不說是誰,要收買他,但查理不為所動(dòng),你太過分了!
(-No, I'm just gettin' warmed up. I don't know who went to this place.William Howard Taft,William Jennings Bryant, William Tell, whoever. Their spirit is dead,if they ever had one.It's gone. You're buildin'a rat ship here, a vessel for seagoin' snitches. And if you think you're preparin' these minnows for manhood, you better think again, because I say you are killin' the very spirit...this institution proclaims it instills. What a sham. What kind of a show are you guys puttin' on here today ? I mean, the only class in this act is sittin' next to me.I'm here to tell you this boy's soul is intact.It's non-negotiable.You know how I know ?Someone here, and I'm not gonna say who,offered to buy it. )
我告訴你什么叫過分!你根本不知道什么叫過分!我想示范,但我太老太累又瞎,如果是五年前,我會(huì)帶噴火槍來這兒!!你以為你在跟誰說話?我是 見過世面的,明白嗎?有一度,我還看得見,我見過很多很多,更年輕的男孩,臂膀被扭,腿被炸斷,那些都不及丑陋的靈魂可怕,靈魂不可能有義肢,你以為你只 是把這好青年象落荒狗似的送回家,我說你是處死了他的靈魂,為什么?因?yàn)樗皇遣┑氯?,博德??傷了這男孩,你就是博德孬種!!
(Lt. Col. Frank Slade : Out of order, I show you out of order. You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fuckin' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a FLAMETHROWER to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you think you're talkin' to? I've been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are... executin' his soul! And why? Because he's not a Bairdman. Bairdmen. You hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums,…… )
-你們?nèi)?而哈瑞,吉米,博德……不管你們坐在哪兒,去你媽的!(the lot of you. And, Harry, Jimmy, Trent, wherever you are out there,fuck you too ! )
-“坐下,史雷得先生”(Stand down, Mr. Slade ! )
- 我還沒講完!!!來這兒得時(shí)候,我聽到類似“領(lǐng)袖搖籃”的字眼,嗯,枝干斷掉時(shí),搖籃就垮了,它已經(jīng)垮了,已經(jīng)垮了!“人類制造者”,“領(lǐng)袖創(chuàng)造家”,當(dāng) 心你創(chuàng)造的是哪種領(lǐng)袖!我不知道,查理今天的緘默是對(duì)還是錯(cuò),但我可以告訴你,他決不會(huì)出賣別人以求前程!!而這,朋友們,就叫正直!也叫勇氣,那才是領(lǐng) 袖的要件!(I'm not finished.As I came in here,I heard those words: "cradle of leadership." Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and it has fallen here. It has fallen. Makers of men,creators of leaders. Be careful what kind of leaders you're producin' here.I don't know if Charlie's silence here today... is right or wrong; I'm not a judge or jury. But I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody out... to buy his future ! And that, my friends,is called integrity.That's called courage. Now that's the stuff leaders should be made of. )
Teachers Are People
Today, more than ever before, education is playing an important role in the teaching of children. The school has become a vital part of every community, drawing children from every walk of life.
The children are eager to take advantage of its opportunities, emerging from their sheltered confines, dipping easily into the habits of the student. They are coming from far and near, struggling towards an education, whetting their appetites for knowledge, forming friendships for the future. Childish energy lets nothing stand in its way. In their tiny hands, they hold the future.
The person upon whose capable shoulders rests the responsibility for their education is that unsung hero, the teacher. He must be fair, honest, understanding, and intelligent. He must handle every situation with the utmost dignity. With a complete understanding of his pupils, the experienced teacher equips himself for the classroom. The students eagerly return to the classroom. Youthful minds are encouraged to develop their latent talents. Ah, yes, the creative outlets of the arts and the crafts. Tests and examinations fill out the day, as bright little minds gather knowledge form their teacher. But the little hands make the time pass quickly.
Contrary to popular belief, the teacher’s work is not through at the end of the school day. Oh, no. There’re many unfinished chores -- blackboards to be cleaned, erasers dusted, and of course the ever-present parent-teacher relationship. So it’s to this great profession and its halls of learning that we dedicate this. When the occasion arises, there’re times when disciplinary actions must be taken.