Saudi Sewing Machine Frenzy
Saudis have been racing to buy Singer sewing machines for up to fifty-thousand dollarsbecause they believe they contain traces of red mercury. This is a substance which may ormay not actually exist.
Some sources say it can be used to make a devastating, pure nuclear fusion bomb. Otherssay it's an urban myth.
In 2006, it featured in the British trial of three men accused of trying to make a dirty bomb.They went looking for red mercury, but during the course of the trial it became clear that no-one - not even the defendants themselves - knew what it was. But that hasn't stopped internetsites suggesting that one kilogram of the substance can fetch hundreds of thousands ofdollars on the black market.
However the rumours in Saudi Arabia started, it's the hope of such huge profits that's causedthe sewing machine buying frenzy. Saudi papers have pictures of old men with pick-up vans,stacked with piles of sewing machines.
People believe they can use their mobile phones to test if the machines contain red mercury.The Saudi authorities say it's all a hoax and they’ve launched a police investigation.
racing to buy 爭先購買
traces 少量的
substance 材料
devastating 毀滅性的
fusion bomb 熱核彈
urban myth 都市傳奇
dirty bomb 臟彈
defendants 被告
black market 黑市
buying frenzy 搶購熱
pick-up vans 皮卡(貨車)
hoax 惡作劇
Scotland's had a close relationship with alcohol for hundreds of years.
Scotch whisky generates vast export revenues and drink has long been a part of socialoccasions: dances, weddings and even funerals.
Offering a drink is a gesture of hospitality.
Gaelic speakers have a phrase for it: a wee deoch an dorus or one for the road. But otherNorthern European nations have also had a tradition of heavy drinking.
The trouble for Scotland is that our consumption now outstrips that of Norway, Finland andeven Russia.
The Scottish government says one of the reasons is that drink has become 70% moreaffordable here over the last 30 years but shop-keepers who sell alcohol say they're not toblame.
"If people drink too much it is not up to shopkeepers to decide that. It needs to be tackled froman educational and a social point of view rather than merely legislation. It is not theshopkeeper's duty to police what people drink."
The evidence of Scotland's steadily worsening booze habit is clear.
It plays a big part in all crime and especially violent crime, and drink places a huge strain on thehealth service.
40,000 people are taken to hospital every year with alcohol-related illness.
Scottish pubs can be lively, friendly places, but alcohol has come to play a central role in thelives of too many Scots.
alcohol 酒/酒精
whisky 威士忌
vast export revenues 巨大的出口收入
funerals 葬禮
gesture of hospitality 熱情好客的一種表示
Gaelic 蓋爾語
consumption 消費
outstrips 超過了
affordable 有能力支付的
tackled 對付,解決
booze 酗酒
huge strain 沉重的負擔
alcohol-related illness 和酗酒有關(guān)的疾病
If you're a T-shirts and jeans kind of a person, then here's some statistics worth knowing.
According to the Reuters poll, you should head to Hungary for a job, given that a mere twelvepercent of people there dress smartly for work.
India on the other hand might be a trickier proposition, with nearly six in ten Indians wearingformal clothes in the office.
As a rule it seems Europeans are scruffier, whilst workers in South Korea, China, Turkey andSaudi Arabia all tend to make more effort.
If you want to don a pair of shorts in the office, then nearly half of all Australians asked thinkthat's fine.
However a mere tenth of Brazilians would agree.
Russians too would disapprove, although with the heatwave Moscow is experiencing, thetemptation must be great.
And what happens if you want climb the corporate ladder?
Around two thirds of people believe senior managers should be smarter than their minions.
In Sweden you're less likely to be judged on what you wear on your way to the top.
But in France you might find the corridors of power closed to you if you intend to slouch downthem wearing whatever you could find that morning.
kind of a person
head to
a mere
dress smartly
trickier proposition
make more effort
to don
corporate ladder
on your way to the top
the corridors of power
slouch down
