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  Exercise 4 Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues.

  For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.

  Choose the correct answer--A,B,C or D,and mark it in your test booklet.

  You will have 15 seconds to answer the question

  and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Now look at question 1.

  1.W:Do you want to go to the Watson's party?M:All right.

  Do you think we can leave the children at your mother's house?

  W:No.She'll be out of town. But I've heard about a good baby-sitter.

  1.Where is the woman planning to leave the children?

  (A)at her mother's house(B)at her own house(C)at her neighbor's house(D)in a kindergarten

  2.W:Do you need much time at the shopping center? M:Not very much.

  I want to buy a plant for my grandmother's birthday and a few things for school.

  How about you?W:I don't know.I made a list,but I can't find it.

  I think there were three things on it.

  2.What did the woman do before going to the shopping center?

  (A)cashed some money(B)made a shopping list(C)took some medicine

  (D)decided to buy a birthday present

  3.M:Where shall we eat dinner tonight?Shall we try that new Italian restaurant?

  W:I can't eat anything.I feel terrible.My head aches.

  M:You must be sick.You might have the flu,A headache is one sign of the flu.

  W:I don't know any doctors here.M:I have a good doctor I can make an appointment for you.

  3.What do we learn from the man's reply?

  (A)He insists that the woman should go to the dinner.

  (B)He can do something about the woman's headache.

  (C)He is indifferent to the woman.(D)He is very much concerned about the woman.

  4.W:Excuse me,I was wondering if you could help me.

  M:Sure.I'll be glad to try.What do you need?

  W:Can you tell me when the next bus leaves for Chicago?

  M:H-m-m.It looks like one leaves at 12:15.

  4.When will the next bus leave for Chicago?(A)12:15(B)1:45(C)12:50(D)ll:15

  5.M:Good evening,madam.W:Good evening.Could you let me have a double room?

  M:How long will you be staying here,please?W:A week or so.

  We'd like to have a quiet room if possible,not too near the street.

  5.What kind of room does the woman like to have?

  (A)a large room(B)a small room(C)a quiet room (D)a room near the street

  6.W:Hello.I hear you have an apartment for rent.

  M:Yes.We have one coming up the first of June.W:Is it two-bedroom?

  M:Two bedrooms,a nice living-dining area,a complete kitchen,and a full bath.

  6.Who did the woman talk to?(A)a landlord(B)a good friend(C)a roommate(D)a hotel receptionist

  7.W:Excuse me.Can you help me?M:Yes?W:I have a ticket to Seattle.Where can I check in?

  M:Sorry.I can't help you here.You are to go to the ticket counter.

  You'll see a sign there that says,"Check-in",then look for the airline you want.

  7.What does the woman want to do now ?

  (A)to buy a ticket(B)to check in(C)to receive a guest(D)to return a ticket

  8.W:Hello.I want to open an account.M:Fine.Have a seat.What kind of account do you want?

  W:What kinds of accounts do you have?

  M:We have checking and savings accounts.

  8.Where did the conversation most probably take place ?

  (A)in a bank(B)in a supermarket(C)at a booking office(D)at a police station

  9.M:What are your plans for Thanksgiving Day?W:The same as usual.

  My aunts and uncles and cousins come toour house for dinner.

  M:Do you cook the turkey?W:My mother cooks it .

  But I prepare the vegetables.My aunts usually bring the pies.

  9.Where are they going to celebrate Thanksgiving ?

  (A)at their own house(B)at the woman's uncle's house

  (C)at the woman's mother's house(D)in a restaurant

  10.W:Excuse me.M:Yes?W:I bought this calculator here yesterday but it doesn't work.

  M:Oh.let's see what's wrong.W:This button doesn't work.

  When I push it nothing happens.M:You are right.

  I'll give you another one.Show me your receipt please.

  10.What do we learn from the conversation ?

  (A)Nothing is wrong with the calculator.

  (B)The calculator is too expensive.(C)The button of the calculator is off.

  (D)To change a new calculator,the receipt is needed.This is the end of Part A.

  Part B You are going to hear four conversations.

  Before listening to each conversation,you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it.

  After listening,you will have time to answer each question by choosing A,B,C or D.

  You will.hear each conversation ONLY ONCE.

  Mark your answer in your test booklet.

  Questions 11-13 are based on the following dialogue.

  You now have 15 seconds to read the questions.

  M:Have you ever been to New Orleans?W:No.What is it like?

  M:It's one of the most interesting cities in the United States.

  It has a French Quarter;with narrow streets and little old shops.

  Many of the shops and restaurants are French.

  W:There's a lot of jazz music in New Orleans,isn't there?

  M:Yes.You hear wonderful jazz there.

  New Orleans and San Francisco are my two favorite cities.

  Have you been to San Francisco?W:No.What is it like?

  M:It has lovely views,

  and one of the most beautiful bridges in the world--the Golden Gate Bridge.

  It's a very hilly city.The hills are in the middle of the town,

  so you have to walk up and down hills when you go anywhere.

  When you drive,your car needs good brakes.

  W:Do you have to drive?Can't you take buses?

  M:Well,most people who visit San Francisco ride in the cable cars.

  A cable car goes on tracks,and a strong cable pulls it up the hills.

  W:That doesn't sound very safe.M:Don't worry.

  Hundreds of people ride in cable cars every day.

  You have 45 seconds to answer questions 11-13.

  11.What is the special feature of New Orleans ?

  A)its French Quarter(B)its hills(C)its narrow streets(D)its shops and restaranrs

  12,Which city or cities has the woman been to ?

  (A)New Orleans(B)San Francisco(C)both New Orleans and San Francisco

  (D)Neither of the two cities

  13.Why does the cars in San Francisco need good brakes?

  (A)The city has stricter traffic rules.(B)There are hills in the city.

  (C)There are many travelers in the city.(D)There are many cable car tracks.

  Questions 14-17 are based on the following dialogue.

  You now have 20 seconds to read the questions.

  M:If you want to make friends in this town,you ought to join the Theater Group.

  W:But my English isn't enough to act in a play.

  M:Even if you can't be in a play,you can join the Theater Group.

  Some of the girls make costumes.Some members paint scenery for the plays.

  Others write ads,and others take tickets at the door

  W:Which of those things do you do?M:I'm in charge of the props.

  I'm in charge of getting the props we need and arranging them on the stage.

  W:What does props mean?M:Well,for every play we need certain things like furniture dishes,and so on.

  They're called props.That's a short word for properties.

  W:How do you get the props?M:Some of them are borrowed from people we know.

  But often we find just what we need in the trash that people are throwing away.

  Last week we found an old radio on the sidewalk in front of somebody's house.

  We took it before the trash collector picked it up.W:Isn't that against the law?

  M:No.If somebody throws something away,anyone who wants itcan take it.

  Some of the Theater Groups best props came from people's trash.

  You have one minute to answer questions 14-17.

  14.What does the man suggest that the woman should do?

  (A)to practice her English(B)to join the Theater Group

  (C)to act in a play(D)to make costumes

  15.What does the man do in the Theater Group?

  (A)He acts in a play.(B)He paints scenery for the play.

  (C)He collects tickets at the door(D)He gets the properties for the play.

  16.Why does the man pick up the old radio?

  (A)to return it to its owner(B)to keep it for himself

  (C)to give it to the trash collector(D)to use it for a play

  17.What is the trouble of the woman?

  (A)She can't speak good English.(B)She is not good at acting.

  (C)She knows nothing about the law.

  (D)She is not willing to make new friends.

  Questions 18-21 are based on the following dialogue.

  You now have 20 seconds to read the questions.

  M:How's your toothache?W:It's gone,thanks.

  I went to the dentist last night,and he took care of it.

  M:Which tooth was it?W:The last one on the upper right hand side.

  It has a huge filling now.M:I hate having my teeth filled.

  It's not just the pain I hate.I hate the sound of drilling.

  W:So do I.I'd rather have a tooth pulled than filled.

  M:Have you ever had one of your teeth pulled?W:No,

  But the one the dentist Just filled will have to come out someday.

  He says it can't be filled again.

  M:Teeth keep causing trouble,and nobody really does anything about it.

  I can't understand why.W:They can put men on the moon,

  but they can't keep people from having trouble with teeth.

  M:Why can't they transplant teeth the way they transplant hearts?

  They can give somebody a different heart.

  Why can't they give him different teeth?

  W:I've heard they're working on that.

  My dentist says they're working on tooth transplants right now.

  M:On second thought,I'm not sure I'd want to eat with some other person's teeth.

  W:Well,that's not how it works.

  The idea is to develop a plastic tooth

  that can be put into the hole where your own tooth came out.

  M:Really?What makes it stay there?W:So far they haven't tried it with people,

  but they've made it work with baboons.

  M:Do they hook the plastic tooth to the teeth beside it?

  W:No.The plastic tooth is made with plastic roots,

  and after a while the gums grow around the roots,

  so the tooth can't fall out.M:Well,it sounds like a good idea.

  Yon have one minute to answer questions 18-21.

  18.Why did the woman go to the dentist?

  (A)to have her teeth filled(B)to have her teeth pulled

  (C)to consult the dentist about tooth-care(D)to have her teeth examined

  19.What does the man hope for?(A)not to put men on the moon again

  (B)to have one's teeth transplanted(C)to advance the heart transplant technique

  (D)not to eat with some other person's teeth

  20.What did the woman's dentist tell her?

  (A)tooth transplants were expensive(B)people were working on tooth transplants

  (C)tooth transplants had been successful(D)tooth transplants had failed

  21.Why does the man hate having his teeth filled?

  (A)It causes pain.(B)It is troublesome(C)It is costly.

  (D)The sound of drilling is unbearable.

  Questions 22-25 are based on the following dialogue.

  You now have 20 seconds to read the questions.

  M:How do you feel about flying?W:I don't mind flying.

  What I don't like is not being able to keep an eye on my luggage.

  Whenever the man at the airport takes my luggage,

  I never expect to see it again.

  M:There's always a chance it will fly to Paris while you fly to Rome.

  Has anything like that ever happened to you?

  W:No,but it has happened to other people.

  Just the other day I heard about a woman who lost her suitcase.

  It was a true story.She was taking one of those five-day tours around Europe.

  M:Where did her suitcase get lost?W:I don't think she ever found out.

  When she arrived in Europe,her suitcase wasn't there.

  She had to travel through four countries in the same clothes.

  M:I suppose she bought another toothbrush,at least.

  Couldn't she buy another dress?W:No.

  She had spent all her money on the tickets for the tour.

  Besides,she never had time to shop.Every time they reached another airport,

  she had to spend her time in the luggage room,looking for her suitcase.

  M:What a way to spend a vacation!

  But that's not as bad as a story I heard the other day.

  There was a family of four visiting a cruise ship.

  They were there to say good-bye to a friend who was going on a cruise.

  W:I suppose the ship left before the family got offM:That's right.

  They claimed they didn't hear any warning bells .

  They didn't know the ship had left until they finally decided it was time to get off.

  By then the ship was almost out to sea.

  Of course they couldn't make the captain turn around to take them back.

  W:And of course they didn't have any luggage with them.

  M:It was worse than that

  All four of them had to stay in one small cabin for the whole cruise.

  They had a baby and a small child.

  The child came down with some disease the next day.

  I think it was measles.W:What a way to take a cruise!

  You have one minute to answer questions 22-25.

  22.What are they talking about?

  (A)travel troubles(B)modern means of transportation

  (C)thefts on their vacation(D)holiday plans

  23.What is the woman afraid of most when flying?

  (A)traveling alone(B)losing her luggage

  (C)flying to a new place(D)losing her ticket

  24.What happened to the woman traveling in Europe?

  (A)She lost her suitcase(B)She traveled 4 countries for free.

  (C)She got lost(D)She arrived at the airport late.

  25.Why did the family fail to leave the ship before it set off.

  (A)The ship left earlier than schedule,(B)They did not hear the warning bells.

  (C)They also liked to go on a cruise.(D)There was no warning bells on board.

  This is the end of Part B.

  Exercise 5 Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues.

  For each dialogue,there is one question and four possible answers.

  Choose the correct answer A,B,C or D,and mark it in your test booklet.

  You will have 15 seconds to answer the question

  and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Now look at question 1.

  1.W:Henry.What's your hobby?M:Well,I have several hobbies,say gardening,

  fishing,collecting coins,but collecting stamps is the one I like best.

  1.What is the man's favorite hobby?

  (A)collecting coins(B)fishing(C)collecting stamps(D)gardening

  2.M:Mary,did you watch TV yesterday?

  There was an interesting program on Indian dance.

  W:I intended to watch it,but I was so busy preparing for the exam.

  M:Oh,It's a pity.

  2.What did Mary do last night?(A)watching TV(B)reviewing her lessons

  (C)going to a dance(D)attending a dance class

  3.W:Jack,you look pale.What's the matter with you?

  M:I'm coming down with a cold.I've got a terrible headache.

  W:Have you taken any medicine?M:Not yet.

  But Dr.Johnson has prescribed some kind of pills for me.

  3.What is the trouble with the man?

  (A)He's running a fever.(B)He's got a cold.

  (C)He has a toothache.(D)He had a bad cough.

  4.W:What do you think of Professor Smith's speech?

  M:Well,it was interesting enough.

  But it would be better if he cutit shorter.

  4.What is the man's opinion of the Professors talk?

  (A)It was boring.(B)It was uninteresting.

  (C)It was too long.(D)It was enlightening.

  5.W:Shall we go to the concert tonight?M:Good idea!When will it start?

  W:At seven.But I'll have to work until 5:30.

  M:I'll pick you up at six and we'll eat downtown.

  Then we'll have enough time to get to the concert.

  5.What will they do before they go to the concert?

  (A)buying tickets(B)booking seats(C)cooking a meal

  (D)going to a restaurant

  6.M:Hello.Do you have any rooms at your motel?

  W:Yes.What would you like,a single room or a double room?

  M:A double room with a bath.How much is the room?

  W:Its per night.M:OK.We'll take it.

  6.What room does the man want?(A)a double room(B)a single room

  (C)a room with a shower(D)a single room with a bath

  7.M:Excuse me.Did I leave my wallet here?

  It is a black leather one with my passport in it,

  Martin's the name.W:Yes.You left it lying here.Here you are.

  Have a nice flight,sir.M:Thank you very much.

  7.Where does this conversation probably take place?

  (A)at a railway station(B)at a bus stop

  (C)on board a ship(D)at the airport

  8.W:Is Eric coming back soon?I miss him very much.

  M:He was supposed to arrive next month,but he's coming next week.

  W:Let's give him a party on the following night after his arrival,

  M:And invite some friends,

  8.When will Eric come back?(A)next week(B)on the following night

  (C)the next month(D)the following day

  9.W:Ted,this computer doesn't seem to be working properly

  Can you have a look at it?

  M:I'm sorry I don't know much about computer-Why not ask Tim?

  He can fix anything,from television to refrigerator

  And he knows everything about computers.

  9.What do you learn about Tim?(A)He knows little about computers.

  (B)He is good at repairing things.(C)He is willing to help others.

  (D)He is an auto repair man.

  10.M:Hi.Haven't seen you for ages.Still working for the auto company?

  W:No,I changed jobs a year ago.I'm with the American Bank now.How about you?

  M:I'm still teaching at the university.

  10.What is the woman's job now?

  (A)a saleswoman(B)a teacher(C)a clerk(D)a waiter

  This is the end of Part A.






