Katia: Hey, Alex.
Alex: Hi, Katia.
Katia: Listen, I just have a question. What do you like doing during the weekends?
Alex: During the weekends? Well usually I like mountain biking. That's one of my hobbies sowhenever I've got time and the weather is fine, I like taking my bike and going somewhere.Sometimes I go far and sometimes not that far but I like doing that.
Katia: That is so cool. Do you usually go alone?
Alex: Well whenever I have friends or I have someone to go with I try to go but most of thetimes I go alone, yeah.
Katia: That's cool. What about during the mornings or in the evenings, what do you do?
Alex: Well if I can get out, go somewhere with my friends, I always try to go drinking or I try togo have dinner or something. Usually when I'm at home, I try to get together with my family.My mom likes cooking and likes having everybody over so sometimes my cousins come, mygrandparents too, so that's one of the things I do when I'm home. When I'm not then I try tomeet my friends. Sometimes I invite my friends over, I cook for them, nothing more.
Katia: What about Saturday night? Do you go to a restaurant or to a bar?
Alex: Yeah, I love going to restaurants and bars but I really don't enjoy going to discos orclubs. I don't know, I'm not such a big fan of that. I like going downtown like, yeah, meetingmy friends, going to bars, talking.
Katia: So you don't like crowded places or loud music?
Alex: It's really not about crowded places or loud music, it's more that I enjoy being with myfriends and I enjoy being able to talk and to say things and when I go to those places, youknow like there are so many people that you don't really get to talk to people, I don't know. Idon't enjoy that much.
Katia: During the weekends do you usually or sometimes go out of town or on a trip?
Alex: I do. I do and I love going to places but that's really when the weather is nice and I'vegot some time. If the weather is not so nice then I'd rather just stay home because I kind oflike resting. Usually during the weeks I'm kind of busy but if the weather is nice and I've gottime and I can go with friends or something, I do that. I don't enjoy going somewhere in theweekends just by myself.
Katia: Nice.
Alex: Hey Katia. What about you? Tell me about your weekends. What do you usually do on theweekends?
Katia: Well, every weekend I think it's different but usually in the mornings I wake up and I'mactually very relaxed because I know I don't have a schedule so usually I have coffee, breakfastand then I plan my weekend. So sometimes I do things only by myself but sometimes I gowith friends. I like going to restaurants, I like being in nature, I like biking, so there are manythings but I think every weekend is different. It depends on how I'm feeling that day.
Alex: Nice. You were saying you plan your weekends, like you can plan them in advance orsomething that just as it goes, kind of like do things. How does it work?
Katia: Well usually in the mornings I check what I feel like doing and then that's what I plan.So for example, if I wake up and I feel like going, it's a nice day, I like to go to a park andthen to the beach, then that's my plan so that's how I plan it. It's right on the moment. So it'ssomewhat of a plan.
Alex: You look like you enjoy going shopping a lot. Do you go shopping sometimes on theweekends?
Katia: Not at all. I don't like shopping at all. I wish I would enjoy it but I just, all the time it'sthe same. You see the same things, the same people, so it's the same all the time so it's not soexciting for me. I really don't enjoy it. Only I go if I have to.
Alex: Do you have your friends over or do you usually go visit friends or family during theweekends?
Katia: Sometimes I have my friends over. Usually have a small dinner, nice conversations andyeah just a quiet evening with my friends. And yes, and Sundays are family days so I reserveSundays for my family.
Alex: Do you travel or do you go places around your city?
Katia: If I have the opportunity definitely. I think it's always nice to go out from youreveryday routine. So if I can, of course I love to travel.
Alex: That's interesting.
AHow are you doing, Christopher?
BTo be honest, I'm reallt fed up with work at the monent. I need a break!
老實(shí)說,我現(xiàn)在上班上得 有點(diǎn)不耐煩了.我需要放個假!
AAre you doing anything this weekend?
BI have to work on Saturday all day! I really hate my job!
AAre you available on Sunday?
BYes, that's my only day off until Thursday.
AOk, well, my friends and I are planning on going to the beach on Sunday. We tend to leave around noon whenever we go anywhere, so you could still sleep in. Do you want to come with us?
BThat'd be fantastic! Which beach are you going to?
AIt's a quiet beach just about an hour outside of the city.
BWhat should I bring with me?
AWe've got plenty of inflatables, but if you want to sit on a chair, you'll have to bring your own sunlounger.
BI can just use my beach towel. I love lazing around in the sun.
ADo you like surfing?
BI've actually never tried. Do you have a surfboard?
AWe've got a few. I can teach you how to surf on Sunday. It'll be fun!
BI can't wait! It sounds like we're going to have a great time. How much money should I bring?
AYou'll just need roughly for food and gas money. My friend is driving, so we usually all chip in a few dollars for gas money.
BOk, where and when should I meet you?
AWe'll pick you up at your place at noon. Be there or be square!