鯨魚號 A Whale
鯨魚肉 whale meat
鯨魚殺手 Whale Killer
鯨魚屁股 Whale back
日本鯨魚 Japan's whale
兔唇鯨魚 Cleft lip whale
1. Whales journey up the coast of Africa, clearly visible from the beach.
2. The slaughter of whales is unnecessary and inhuman.
3. A whale is a fish. True or false?
4. If you don't eat less, you'll end up looking like a whale!
如果你不少吃些, 你最終會使自己看起來像一條鯨魚!
5. The harpoon drove deep into the body of the whale.
6. The whale expelled water from his blowhole.
7. Whales belong among the mammals.
8. The whale is the largest mammal in creation.
9. The whale thrashed the water with its tail.
10. Nature lovers will be on the lookout for eagles, cormorants, and the occasional whale.
11. The whales were too close; this posed an immediate problem for my photography.
12. In a storm, water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale.
13. There are lots of marine mammals such as whales and seals in the sea.
14. Once our boat nearly got stuck between a whale's teeth. "
有一次,我們坐的船險(xiǎn)的嵌在鯨魚的牙齒縫里. ”
15. Whales and dolphins are still being slaughtered for commercial gain.
Humpback Whale
Length and Weight:
The newborn calf measures 4.5-5 meters. The adult measures 11-16 meters. They weigh at least 35 tons.
Physical Description:
The head of the humpback is broad and rounded when viewed from above, but flat from its blowholes to beak with numerous knobs. They have very long flippers, almost one third of their body length. They are white and mottled, and have knobs at the edge. There are 14-35 ventral grooves extending from the lower jaw to their stomach. Humpbacks have no fin, only a small irregular knob located two third along the back. Their fluke is wide and the shape looks like a butterfly with incised edge. The humpback lifts up the fluke before diving.
The humpback usually appears alone, sometime 2-3 individual in a small group. But in the breeding season, they may gather 12-15 individuals. Humpback whales feed on crustaceans, fishes and planktons. Their blow can reach 2.5-3 meters, and higher and more frequent after long diving. Humpbacks are the most vigorous among the baleens. They like row the body lifting one flipper high into the air, or lift the fluke up. They also jump out of the water often, creating astonishing images to people.
Identifying Tips:
It is difficult to identify humpback whales from other baleen whales from distance. You can pay attention to the location and shape of their fin, or see if they lift high the fluke before diving. If you have the chance to get close to these giants, you can identify them from numerous knobs on their beak and flippers. Like humpbacks, sperm whales also have a hump on the back before diving, but the edge of the humpback's fluke is serrated and the underside is mottled with white yet the edge of the sperm whale's is smooth and whole black.