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  The Medic 醫(yī)護(hù)兵

  Todd: So Meg, you are talking about being in the military, and you said you were a medic. Can you explain what that is?


  Meg: Yeah. So a medic, which now I believe is called health care specialist, is – I always say it's kind of similar to being like a paramedic where it's not a full nurse job. I think nurses have more training like in civilian side nurses, but similar to paramedic where you have certain, like, minor procedures that you're trained to do and high-level things than just an EMT like doing IVs and giving shots and stitches and things like that. And you're trained – because it's the military, you're especially trained for emergency situations, and how to treat someone who has maybe some serious life-threatening wounds. So that's a medic.


  Todd: Wow. That sounds like a really difficult job. I mean, it's not your typical, just soldier job. You must have had a lot of schooling and education.


  Meg: I had – well, everyone goes through the initial, about two and a half months like basic training. And that's more kind of basic combat skills and physical training that kind of thing. And then I had four months past that to train to be a medic. So we went through like emergency medical technician course just like civilian side. I got certified with that. And then we had additional training for the military skills like IVs and emergency procedures, that kind of thing.


  Todd: Right. Can you explain what IV is?


  Meg: IV is an intravenous – like getting fluids into your body. So if you've been injured and you've lost a lot of blood or maybe you're dehydrated and you need some fluid in your body quickly, then we stick a needle into your vein and then the fluids go in. And the needle comes back out but a little tube stays in. And then you can get fluids quickly that way.


  Todd: So anybody that's been to the doctor knows that's always kind of the anxious moment when the nurse or the person who's going to stick the needle in. Were you good at doing that?


  Meg: So once I learned how to do it, I think I was pretty good. And I actually enjoyed doing it, not in a creepy way but, you know, it was – I guess, because I was decent at it that it was a part of my job that I enjoyed. But for myself, before we went through that training, I actually became dehydrated and needed to get an IV myself. And I was terrified because I really hadn't had that before in my life. And so, the nurse was going to come, you know, put the needle in my arm and I was like, "No, isn't there another? I'll just drink a lot of water." And she was saying, "Aren't you going to be a medic." And I was like, "Oh, I haven't trained yet. Don't do it." So yeah.


  Todd: Oh, that's cool. Yeah. I was recently in the hospital and they had me strapped up for both blood and for the water, the intravenous drip. And it's annoying because you can't really move, like if you want to get up and walk anywhere, you're strapped with all these tubes. And it's not very convenient.


  Meg: Yeah, yeah. Or at least you have to careful. When I was getting the IV, I didn't know that the needle doesn't stay in your arm. Now, for some things, it does. For blood, maybe it's different, I'm not sure. But yeah, so I was trying to be so careful too but you still want it to go well so you don't want to move very much.


  Todd: Right. So what percentage of people would you say freak out when they get the needle?


  Meg: Probably 90% or 95%.


  Todd: Oh really?


  Meg: Yeah. Even, you know, tough Army guys would come in and be – and they'd be like, "Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine in a bit." "Well, we need to give you an IV." And they'd be like, "Oh..."


  Todd: Right. Yeah. Nobody likes that.


  Meg: No.


  Todd: So you transitioned. You were in the medical profession and then you moved to education. Why did you leave the medical profession for education?


  Meg: Yeah. That's interesting because I became a medic in the military because I thought after I – when I could continue college that I would be a nurse or a doctor. But my time serving as a medic helped me learn that that was not what I wanted to do for my career after all. So I definitely am glad that I had those skills and the things that I learned and was able to experience. But I had – English had kind of been on the back burner. And so then I said, "Okay, let me revisit this," and it led to English education.


  Todd: Wow. Have you ever thought about being like an English specialist for people in the medical fields like teaching doctors and nurses?


  Meg: I guess I haven't thought about that specifically. Sometimes I thought about going back to military. They do have something like English schools in the military. And so, I guess that would be related. Also it could be – yeah, so that would be interesting. Something to think about.


  Todd: All right. Great. Thanks, Meg.


  Women in Uniform 女兵

  Todd: So Meg, I thought we would talk a little bit about the military. Now, you were actually in the military.


  Meg: Yes. I was actually in the Army National Guard. So I enlisted when I was 17. In America, in the National Guard, each state can have kind of different rules, or different requirements. And so, in Indiana, you can enlist when you are 17 with parental permission. So I did that.


  Todd: Wow. Seventeen is really young age.


  Meg: Yeah. And it sort of happened really quick. I mean, I was a junior in high school and I got a call from a recruiter. And at first, I was really against it but then in Indiana, if you enlist and you serve your time, they'll pay your college tuition if you go to a state college. So Indiana has Purdue, and I was interested in going to Purdue anyway, so it seemed like a good idea.


  Todd: That's fantastic. So how long were you in the service?


  Meg: I was in for six years all together. That was the minimum commitment. So I could have done more but I was ready to, maybe try some other things after that time.


  Todd: Did it go by fast?


  Meg: Looking back, it definitely did. I think, there are different stages that went by slow or fast. Like when I was in actual basic training, when you're in it, it was super slow. Like you're counting on the hours every day because you're just desperate to finish and get out and get back to your family. And I was, you know, 17, so it's a little different. But now looking back, like, I can't believe it was a full six years, and now it's so many years past that already. So yeah, I guess, it did go by fast overall.


  Todd: Yeah, that's great. So what was it like being a woman in the military?


  Meg: It was – well, I served in a unit – I was a medic. And so, my unit, a medical unit, naturally has more women. The ratio is closer to 50-50 men and women, which isn't – at least that time wasn't – I don't have the current statistics, but it isn't that kind of ratio for the Army as a whole or the military as a whole. And so, for me there was – I was with a lot of other women also when I was serving. But for me personally, there were definitely challenges especially when I was first in basic training like I definitely felt personal pressure to try to keep up with the guys. With everything whether it's, you know, physically being able to lift and carry these heavy boxes and whatever. You know, you have the same requirements that you have to do. And you never want to be the weak link. And I think some other women, maybe suffered a little more because they couldn't keep up quite as well. And so that can be a little difficult. But maybe I'm naturally a bit more suited for those kinds of things. So I did okay but I definitely wanted to and tried hard to keep up with the physical aspect which isn't as easy sometimes for women.


  Todd: Well, that's interesting. So you do look pretty fit, so you must have been really fit back in the day.


  Meg: Yeah, I think. Yeah, especially basic training because you're never like not running. Anytime you're walking somewhere, you're just running, running, running, like they make you run everywhere. And you get like 5 minutes to eat breakfast and lunch, and dinner. Every time, you have to eat it so fast. And then you're doing all this physical training, and then going through obstacle courses, and carrying heavy packs and carrying your weapon round. Yeah. So that was probably the most fit I've ever been. I'm definitely not that now.


  Todd: Right. So if you had a daughter, would you recommend that she goes in the military, or would you recommend other women to join the military?


  Meg: I would not recommend it. I guess, I don't go around telling everyone, "Oh, you should just join the military." But I think if someone – if there is a woman who is interested in it or thinking about it, I would definitely – for me, I mean, it worked out great. There are a lot of like leadership and personal character qualities that I was really able to develop during my time that have continued to benefit me now. And so, for a woman who is interested, I would definitely say, "Go for it."


  Todd: Awesome. Thanks. Thanks, Meg.


  Meg: Yeah.


  What are you good at? 你擅長(zhǎng)什么?

  Abidemi: Okay, Rory, are you good at sports?


  Rory: Yeah, I am. I'm good at soccer, I think. And I run quite a lot. I'm getting faster. So yeah, I think I'm quite good at sports.


  Abidemi: Wow.


  Rory: How about you?


  Abidemi: No, not really. It's something that I never really practiced when I was a child so I'm not really good at sports. But when people look at me, they always say, "You look like you can run so fast. You look like you can play all these sports." I can run, but I don't do it often or played so many sports. Yup.


  Rory: Okay. And are you good at math?


  Abidemi: Yes. I feel like I'm bragging when I say that but I enjoy math. And when I was in school, I did well in it. I think up to high school level math, I'm good. What about you, Rory?


  Rory: Yeah, the same. So I think I'm quite good at math. I enjoyed it at high school but I didn't do it after that. Now I help my daughter with her math homework, and yeah, I think I'm pretty good.


  Abidemi: Lucky her.


  Rory: And how about computers? Are you good at computers?


  Abidemi: I think I have the basics down. So I'm good at the basic things in computers. But overall, when it gets too complicated, I'm not too good at it. What about you, Rory?


  Rory: Yeah, I'm okay. I can use a computer but I can't – I'm not good at programming, things like this, you know. I don't understand this.


  Abidemi: I think this is a big one for people. Are you good at getting up early?


  Rory: I'm really good at getting up early.


  Abidemi: How early?


  Rory: You know 5:00 or 6:00 o'clock is no problem for me.


  Abidemi: Wow.


  Rory: And I think it's because ever since I was young, I've always got up early. I used to do a paper round when I was a kid.


  Abidemi: I see.


  Rory: I get up before 6:00 o'clock. So how about you? Are you good at getting up early?


  Abidemi: No, not really. I like to sleep in. Especially when it's winter, I'm not good at getting up early at all. My body just wants to sleep the whole day. In the summer, I'm a lot better with the sun.


  Rory: Okay.






