
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 學(xué)習(xí)英語 > 英語短語 > 日常對話英文句子


時間: 長思709 分享


  英語日??谡Z是一種獨特的語言變體 ,有著鮮明的特征。下面小編分享日常對話英文句子給你們希望你們喜歡。



  我買兩張10月3號的票。 I'd like two tickets for October 3rd, please.

  對不起,賣完了。Sorry, we're sold out.

  Do you have any tickets for the concert? (還有那場音樂會的票嗎?)

  = Sorry, we're sold out. (對不起,賣完了。)

  有什么時候的票? When do you have tickets?

  = Which date do you have tickets for?

  幾點開始? What time does it start?

  = What time does it begin?

  可以預(yù)訂嗎? Can I make a reservation?

  在哪兒買票? Where can I buy a ticket?

  At that counter. (在那個柜臺。)

  這位子有人嗎? Is this seat taken?

  A)Is this seat taken? (這位子有人嗎?)

  B)No, it's not. (不,沒人。)




  = Is anyone sitting here? (這兒有人嗎?)

  = Can I sit here? (我可以坐這兒嗎?)

  = Do you mind if I sit here? (您介意我坐在這兒嗎?)

  = Is this seat free?

  我們這個位子真棒。 We have great seats, don't we?

  再來一個! Encore!

  = Bravo, bravo!

  ××加油! Go for it,...!

  = Yeah...!

  = Go...!


  我想打高爾夫球。 I'd like to play golf.

  Who would you like to play with? (和誰打呀?)

  明天打高爾夫球,好嗎? Would you like to golf tomorrow?

  I'd like to. (我挺想去的。)

  = How would you like to play golf tomorrow?

  = Do you want to play golf tomorrow?

  = Would you be interested in playing golf tomorrow?

  愿意和我一起打高爾夫球嗎? Do you want to join me?

  Would you like to play golf with me?

  這附近有高爾夫球場地嗎? Are there any golf courses around here?

  1個人多少錢? How much is it per person?

  1天多少錢? How much is it per day?

  此外還有其它的花費嗎? Are there any extra charges?

  = Is there any extra charge?

  我可以租用用具嗎? Can I rent the equipment?

  equipment 表示“用具,必需品”。

  請幫我預(yù)約高爾夫球。(請別人預(yù)約時) Please make a reservation for golf.

  = Would you make a reservation for golf? (能幫我預(yù)約高爾夫球嗎?)

  我想預(yù)約高爾夫球。(由自己提出請求時) I'd like to make golf reservations.

  要什么時間的? When would you like to play?

  = When do you want to play?

  如果可以的話,請訂這個星期五的。This Friday, if possible.

  我們一共4個人。There are four of us.


  我們幾點開始? What time are we starting?


  去喝一杯怎么樣? How about a drink?

  That's a great idea. (好主意。)

  我想去喝一杯。I need a drink.

  下班以后去喝一杯怎么樣? Would you like to have a drink after work?

  I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. (很遺憾,恐怕我今天晚上很忙。)

  有啤酒嗎? Do you have any beer?

  Sure. What kind do you want? (當(dāng)然,要哪種的?)

  請來兩瓶啤酒。 Two bottles of beer, please.

  = Two beers, please.

  請來杯摻水的威士忌。 One whiskey with water, please.

  要什么下酒菜呢? What kind of snacks should we have?

  I'll leave it up to you. (你看著辦吧。)

  讓我們忘了工作,痛快一會兒吧。 Let's forget about work and have some fun.

  = Let's get our minds off of work and have a good time.

  = Let's take our minds off of work. (讓我們忘掉工作吧。)

  干杯! Cheers!

  = Bottoms up!

  喝什么呢? What are you drinking?

  我喜歡換酒館喝。 I like to go barhopping.


  第一口最舒坦了。 The first sip is the best!


  = The first taste is the greatest!

  = The first gulp is the best!

  gulp是“吞飲,一口氣喝下去”。sip 是“啜飲,一口一口地抿著喝”。

  這個最好! Nothing beats this!


  再來一杯,怎么樣? Would you like a refill?


  = Would you like more?

  = How about a refill?

  = Would you like one more?

  = Would you like another cup?

  再來一瓶啤酒! Another beer, please.

  = One more beer, please.

  這種威士忌挺沖。This whiskey is strong.

  日本酒怎么樣? How do you like sake?

  酒勁大。 It's strong.

  我喝醉了。 I'm drunk.

  Let me drive you home. (我開車送你回家吧。)

  我覺得有點兒醉了。I feel a little tipsy.


  = I'm slightly drunk.

  酩酊大醉。I'm loaded.


  = I'm wasted.

  喝酒要適可而止。Drink moderately.

  = Don't overdo it.

  = Please don't drink too much.

  我的酒量小。 I get drunk easily.

  drunk“喝醉”,“酒后駕車”是drunk driving。

  = I get drunk quickly.

  I'm a heavy drinker. (我的酒量大。)

  我喝得太多了。I drank too much.

  I had too much to drink.

  我不該喝這么多的。 I should have drunk less.

  = I shouldn't have drunk this much.

  頭天的酒還沒醒。 I have a hangover.



  我想打高爾夫球。 I'd like to play golf.

  Who would you like to play with? (和誰打呀?)

  明天打高爾夫球,好嗎? Would you like to golf tomorrow?

  I'd like to. (我挺想去的。)

  = How would you like to play golf tomorrow?

  = Do you want to play golf tomorrow?

  = Would you be interested in playing golf tomorrow?

  愿意和我一起打高爾夫球嗎? Do you want to join me?

  Would you like to play golf with me?

  這附近有高爾夫球場地嗎? Are there any golf courses around here?

  1個人多少錢? How much is it per person?

  1天多少錢? How much is it per day?

  此外還有其它的花費嗎? Are there any extra charges?

  = Is there any extra charge?

  我可以租用用具嗎? Can I rent the equipment?

  equipment 表示“用具,必需品”。

  請幫我預(yù)約高爾夫球。(請別人預(yù)約時) Please make a reservation for golf.

  = Would you make a reservation for golf? (能幫我預(yù)約高爾夫球嗎?)

  我想預(yù)約高爾夫球。(由自己提出請求時) I'd like to make golf reservations.

  要什么時間的? When would you like to play?

  = When do you want to play?

  如果可以的話,請訂這個星期五的。This Friday, if possible.

  我們一共4個人。There are four of us.


  我們幾點開始? What time are we starting?


  去喝一杯怎么樣? How about a drink?

  That's a great idea. (好主意。)

  我想去喝一杯。I need a drink.

  下班以后去喝一杯怎么樣? Would you like to have a drink after work?

  I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. (很遺憾,恐怕我今天晚上很忙。)

  有啤酒嗎? Do you have any beer?

  Sure. What kind do you want? (當(dāng)然,要哪種的?)

  請來兩瓶啤酒。 Two bottles of beer, please.

  = Two beers, please.

  請來杯摻水的威士忌。 One whiskey with water, please.

  要什么下酒菜呢? What kind of snacks should we have?

  I'll leave it up to you. (你看著辦吧。)

  讓我們忘了工作,痛快一會兒吧。 Let's forget about work and have some fun.

  = Let's get our minds off of work and have a good time.

  = Let's take our minds off of work. (讓我們忘掉工作吧。)

  干杯! Cheers!

  = Bottoms up!

  喝什么呢? What are you drinking?

  我喜歡換酒館喝。 I like to go barhopping.


  第一口最舒坦了。 The first sip is the best!


  = The first taste is the greatest!

  = The first gulp is the best!

  gulp是“吞飲,一口氣喝下去”。sip 是“啜飲,一口一口地抿著喝”。

  這個最好! Nothing beats this!


  再來一杯,怎么樣? Would you like a refill?


  = Would you like more?

  = How about a refill?

  = Would you like one more?

  = Would you like another cup?

  再來一瓶啤酒! Another beer, please.

  = One more beer, please.

  這種威士忌挺沖。This whiskey is strong.

  日本酒怎么樣? How do you like sake?

  酒勁大。 It's strong.

  我喝醉了。 I'm drunk.

  Let me drive you home. (我開車送你回家吧。)

  我覺得有點兒醉了。I feel a little tipsy.


  = I'm slightly drunk.

  酩酊大醉。I'm loaded.


  = I'm wasted.

  喝酒要適可而止。Drink moderately.

  = Don't overdo it.

  = Please don't drink too much.

  我的酒量小。 I get drunk easily.

  drunk“喝醉”,“酒后駕車”是drunk driving。

  = I get drunk quickly.

  I'm a heavy drinker. (我的酒量大。)

  我喝得太多了。I drank too much.

  I had too much to drink.

  我不該喝這么多的。 I should have drunk less.

  = I shouldn't have drunk this much.

  頭天的酒還沒醒。 I have a hangover.
