


時間: 劉惠25 分享



  1. 我昨天給你打了好幾個電話,你都不在家.(call)

  【答案】I called (you) several times yesterday, but you were not at home / not in.

  2. 雖然并不富裕,但是他對自己的生活相當(dāng)滿意.(Although)

  【答案】 Although he is not rich, he is quite/ fairly satisfied with his life / himself.

  3. 在叔叔的幫助下,湯姆寫成了一首動人的詩.(succeed)

  【答案】With the help of his uncle, Tom succeeded in writing a touching/ moving poem.

  4. 由于準(zhǔn)備充分,他在面試中一點也不緊張.(not…at all)

  【答案】Because he was well-prepared, he didn’t feel nervous at all during the interview.

  5. 只要我們齊心協(xié)力,就能很快解決這個技術(shù)難題.

  【答案】So long as / If we wok co-operatively / with combined efforts/ joint efforts, we will be able to solve/ work out the technical problems soon.


  1. 前天我們訂購了20臺洗衣機。 (order)

  【答案】We ordered / placed an order for 20 washing machines the day before yesterday.

  2. 因為大雨,校運動會將不得不推遲。 (put off)

  【答案】Because of / Due to the heavy rain, the sports meet / meeting will have to be put off.

  3. 為了您的家庭幸福,務(wù)必遵守交通規(guī)則。 (Do)

  【答案】 Do obey / observe / keep / follow traffic rules for the happiness of your family.

  4. 據(jù)報道這種野生植物含有豐富的維生素。 (It)

  【答案】It is reported that the wild plant is rich in / contains / has a lot of vitamins.

  5. 和園丁們一起工作讓我們學(xué)到許多關(guān)于花卉的知識。enable)

  【答案】Working with the gardeners enabled us to learn / gain / obtain a lot of knowledge about flowers.

  6. 遇到困難的時候,我們需要的不是彼此埋怨,而是相互幫助。 (not…but)

  【答案】When (we are) in difficulty / When we meet with difficulties, what we need is not to blame each other but to help each other.


  1. 讓我們利用這次長假去香港旅游。(take advantage of)

  【答案】Let’s take advantage of the long vacation and make a trip to Hong Kong.

  考核點:1)take advantage of the long vacation 2)make a trip to

  2. 這張照片使我想起了我們在夏令營里度過的日子。(remind)

  【答案】 This photo reminds me of the days (that )we spent in the summer camp.

  考核點 1)remind …of 2)the days we spent

  3. 假如你想從事這項工作, 你必須先接受三個月的訓(xùn)練。(take up)

  【答案】If you want to take up this job,you should first be trained for three months.

  考核點:1)take up the job 2)be trained

  4. 你一旦養(yǎng)成了壞習(xí)慣,改掉它是很難的。(once)

  【答案】Once you form/get into a bad habit,it’s very difficult to get rid of /get out of it.

  考核點:1)once 2)get rid of /get out of

  5. 同其他學(xué)生相比,那個女孩有更強的英語聽、說能力。(compare)

  【答案】Compared with other students,the girl has better listening and speaking abilities in English. 考核點:1)compared with 2)better 3)listening and speaking abilities

  6. 眾所周知,成功來自勤奮,不努力則一事無成。(without)

  【答案】As we all know, success comes/ results from hard work;without efforts nothing can be done/ achieved. 考核點:1)as we all know 2)come/result form 3)without


  1. 我們打籃球的時間到了。 (time)

  【答案】It’s time for us to play basketball.

  2. 他設(shè)法把游客及時送到了機場。 (manage)

  【答案】He managed to send the tourists to the airport in time.

  3. 你今晚能來參加我的生日聚會? (possible)

  【答案】Is it possible for you to attend my birthday party this evening?

  4. 應(yīng)該鼓勵年輕人按照自己的特長選擇職業(yè)。(encourage)

  【答案】Young people should be encouraged to choose their careers according to their own strong points.

  5. 我對學(xué)生所談的電子產(chǎn)品一無所知, 我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己落伍了。(ignorant)

  【答案】Being ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about, I find myself left behind.

  6. 盡管遭受如此嚴(yán)重的自然災(zāi)害, 但只要不灰心,我們終會克服暫時的困難。(Although...)

  【答案】 Although we are suffering such a severe natural disaster, we will eventually overcome

  the temporary difficult as long as we don’t lose heart.


  1. 這本雜志花了我20多元。(cost)

  【答案】This magazine cost/costs me more than 20 yuan.

  2. 雨天我總是比平時起得晚。(than)

  【答案】I always get up later than usual on rainy day.

  3. 看到奶奶有些睡意,他拉上窗簾并把電視的音量調(diào)低了。(turn)

  【答案】Seeing Grandma a little sleepy, he drew the curtains and turned the TV down

  4. 乍一看,這塊手表沒有什么特別之處,但實際上它是一部手機。(there be)

  【答案】At first sight, there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.

  5. 我們一致同意一旦得出調(diào)查結(jié)論,就盡早讓公眾知曉。(once)

  【答案】We all agree that once the conclusion of the investigation is drawn, it will be made known to the public as soon possible.









高考要細(xì)心,提高一分,干掉千人!高考加油!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017年山東英語高考試題翻譯題,僅供大家參考! 2017年山東英語高考試題翻譯題1 1. 我昨天給你打了好幾個電話,你都不在家.(call) 【答案】I called (you) several times yesterday, bu


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    天道酬勤,曾經(jīng)的每一分付出,必將收到百倍回報。祝高考成功!下面是學(xué)習(xí)啦小編為大家推薦的2017年山東高考英語真題,僅供大家參考! 2017年山東高考英語真

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