英語動詞被動語態(tài)似乎在英語句子中比在漢語句子中更多出現(xiàn),這點是我國初學(xué)者所經(jīng)常忽略的。在某些句子中,英語總是用被動語態(tài)、而漢語則絕不能用,如“Shakespeare was born in 1564./Moliere was born in Paris”。初學(xué)英語的人接觸到這樣被動語態(tài)的句子恐不免感到奇怪,因為我們在漢語中慣于說"生于某某年"或"某某年生","生于巴黎"或"在巴黎出生",從來不說一個人"被生出"。
在另一些句子中,英語可用主動及被動兩種語態(tài),漢語則傾向于用主動,如“Everybody likes him./He is liked by everybody”。漢語"人人喜歡他"看來比"他被人人喜歡"更現(xiàn)成和自然。有人以為這有一個強調(diào)的問題,用作主語的詞是加以強調(diào)的。即令如此,按照英語結(jié)構(gòu)寫成的"他被大家喜歡"這樣的句子,總是別扭。
下面就十個類別,舉出一些句子,說明英語某些動詞用于某一意義或在某一場合中常作被動語態(tài)。類別當(dāng)然不能只是十個,這兒僅舉常見的。每個類別下也只舉五個句子,句子中的動詞彼此不一樣。為方便起見,句子首先采用大家熟知的 The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English(ALD),其次是 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(LDCE),必要時從其他英美書刊補充少數(shù)句子,但不注明出處。
The left lung is affected1. _____ALD
He is confined to the house by illness. ____ ALD
He was seized with sudden chest pains. ____LDCE
He’s been troubled with a bad back since he was a child. ____LDCE
John was Invalided2 out of the army.
He was doneup afterthe long ride. ALD
He was knocked uP after the longsteen climb. _____ ALD
He was almost fagged out. ______ ALD
I’m completely exhausted3.____LDCE
I was spent with the fatigue4 of the voyage.
I was delighted to hear the news of your success._____ALD
We’re very pleased to see you here._____ALD
On hearing of the victory,the nation was transported with joy._____ALD
She was enchanted5 with the flowers you sent her. _____ALD
The children were fascinated by the toys in the shopwindows._____ ALD
We’re been held up by fog. _____ ALD
The mountain roads were obstructed6 by falls of rock._____ALD
The train was delayed two hours. _____ALD
I was hindered from getting here.____ALD
The harbour was blocked by ice._____ALD
He is quite used to hard work.____ALD
This is not the kind of treatment I am accustomed to. _____ALD
He is addicted8 to smoking. _____ALD
The old soldier was inured9 to danger. ____LDCE
He is given to long walks. _____LDCE
英語中有些動詞,由于常用于被動語態(tài),詞典中對它們的分詞(participle)形式另立專條著錄,成為獨立的詞,其功能相當(dāng)于形容詞。以上例句中的動詞就是典型的例子。例如,詞典一般既有use這一專條(不定式動詞),又有 used;既有 accustom7,又有 accustomed;既有g(shù)ive,又有g(shù)iven。但如inure及addict,在 ALD上只注明"常用于被動"(usu.passive),尚未另立inured和 addicted專條,其他詞典也大體是這樣,雖然addicted還可以作為形容詞,看成是獨立的詞條。然而不管這些詞是否帶有形容詞的性質(zhì),在上面的句子中卻具有被動語態(tài)的作用。
He was annoyed to learn that the train would be delayed.____ALD
She is easily upset emotionally.____ALD
He was vexed10 at his failure. ____ ALD
He was disturbed to hear of your illness.______ALD
I felt harassed11 by all the work of the office._____LDCE
苦惱等情緒當(dāng)然是引起的,因此英語中的被動語態(tài)似乎說明了是由于什么引起的,但要注意第一句She is easily upset emotionally.不必指出原因。
I was astonished to see him there. ____ALD
I’m surprised he didn’t come._____ALD
He was shocked to hear his daughter swearing. _____ALD
He was startled to see him looking so ill._____ALD
He was astounded12 when he heard he had won._____ALD
His land is fenced with barbed wire.____ALD
Troy was besieged13 by the Greeks for ten years._____ALD
The troops were surrounded._____ALD
The cliffedge is dangerous and should be railed._____LDCE
Japan is compassed about by the ocean.____LDCE
對于以上第二句,第三句及第五句,漢語是可以用"被包圍"這類說法的,但對第一句的"is fenced with,"如說"有籬笆圍住"就行了,不一定要說"被用籬笆圍住"。至于第四句中"should be railed",英語的被動語態(tài)在漢語中也難以表達。我們通常說:應(yīng)該用欄桿圍起來",或"應(yīng)該把它用欄桿圍起來",而不是"應(yīng)該被用欄桿圍起來"。
His reputation is tarnished14._____ALD
My car was mired15. ____ ALD
The river was contaminated with water from the factory. ____ LDCE
Your fingers are stained with ink.
That cheese is mildewed16.
和第三句的contaminated意義近似的動詞如pollute及 defile等,也常用于被動語態(tài)。我們說,"出污泥而不染",不是"……而不被染"。
I was confounded to hear that. ____ALD
They sked so many questions that I got confused. _____ALD
Tom was bewildered by the examination questions.____ALD
He was puzzled what to do next. ____ ALD
The Cabinet Ministers are perplexed17 as to what to do.
My hints were lost upon him.___ ALD
My advice was thrown away upon him.___ALD
It is observed that…
It may be observed that…
It will be observed that…
It remains18 to be observed that…
如此等等。他們只知說“We may observe that…”之類,因為這與漢語結(jié)構(gòu)接近。