托福TPO3口語task1題目 Question:
What characteristics do you think make someone a good parent? Explain why these characteristics are important to you.
1. Good listener
(1.1) Listens or pays attention to what you say
(1.2) Patient
(1.2.1) Takes the time to help you solve problems
(1.2.2) Never blames or punishes you for the mistakes you made
(1.3) Supportive
(1.3.1) Financially
( Education, tuition and tutoring
( Shelter, food and clothes
(1.3.2) Emotionally
( Support your choice: choosing college major
( Respect your opinion and ideas
My mom has many good characteristics that I think all parents should have, let me give you some of them. First, she is a good listener who always pays attention to what I have to say, that makes her the person who knows me the best in our family. And also, she has a good manner. I’ve learned from her how to treat others around me with dignity and respect since I was young, thanks to her I made many good friends in my life. Also, she’s very supportive of me. For example, she’s always wanted me to get in to Finance, but my passion is in Art. Although we had different views of what I should be studying in college, she was very supportive of me and my goals and decided to send me to the best Art school in the country.
I think a good parent should be patient. Because children are always confused with the things around them, they ask questions every now and then. A good parent should be patient enough to give them answers. When i was very young, I always asked questions like “Why can airplanes fly?”,“Why can’t we fly?” and “Why the earth is a globe?”. My parents answered these questions patiently and if they couldn't, they would buy books that have the answers to my questions. I also think a good parent should be open-minded. In other words, they should respect their children's decisions when their kids are growing up. My parents always show their respect to my decisions. My major in the college is software engineering, but I decided to be an English teacher after graduation. My parents respected my decision and allow me to pursue my own interest. Thanks to my parents, I am patient and I respect other people.
托福TPO3口語task2題目 Question:
Some students prefer to work on class assignments by themselves. Others believe it is better to work in a group. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
1. Work alone
(1.1) Saves time, you can start or finish whenever you like, no joking around with other students
(1.2) Quite, better concentration
(1.3) Efficiency, only work on the problems that concern you
2. Work with a group
(2.1) Learn to become a team player
(2.2) Opens one’s mind, learn from each other about new ideas and opinions
(2.3) Build up public speaking skill and confidence
I prefer to work on class assignments in a group. First of all, when having discussions with a study group, I get a better understanding of the subject matter. And people are usually more focused when participating in a discussion, I myself tend to put things off or get lazy when working alone. Second, I can gain other perspectives when studying with a group. For example, I think it’s amazing sometimes there are so many different ways to solve a single problem. When studying by myself, my thoughts are very limited. But when working with a group, I can learn how to think differently from listening to other group members.